2022 04 14 796

와 200만 돌파야 대박?
Wow, it's over 2 million. Amazing?

진돌 공약 실천 준비해야하네
We need to get ready to fulfill our promise.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

어 좀 당황스럽네
Oh, I'm a bit flustered.

둥둥이들 빠르네? 멋져
You guys are fast. Cool

근데 나도 많이 봄
But I watched it a lot, too.

250으로 걸껄
I should've called 250.

Let's go for 300.

200만 공약은 준비할게 지금 일단,,
I'll prepare a pledge for 2 million.

자작곡 예전에 만든거라도 올려주곤 싶은데
I'd like to upload my old songs I wrote before.

너무 무작위영어로 흥얼거려놔서
I hummed it in random English.

외둥이들이 듣기에 좀 그럴구같아,,
I think it's a little too much for the only ones to hear.

제가 젤 조아하는 노랜
My favorite song.

이미 공개해버렸긴했는디
I already revealed it.

마쟈 블루우
"Majah Blue"

가이드버전은 올려줄수있지
I can upload the guide version.

아 근데 유튜브트랙이라
Ah, but since it's a YouTube track.

It's ambiguous.

일단 기다려봐
Wait for me.

해준만큼 선물은 해야지
I'll give you as much as you gave me.

승인을 기다리는중
Waiting for approval

사실 아까부터,,,
In fact, since earlier, uh...

올라오면 다시 올께
I'll be back when you come up.

요즘 다 바쁘시므로 기다리기
Everyone is busy these days, so wait.

어,, 프사 실시간이라니,,,
Uh, profile picture in real time.

저번에 올렸던 사진이얌 헤헤
It's the picture I posted last time. Hehe.

충혈된거 얘기하는 둥둥이들이 있네
Some of you are talking about bloodshot.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그런 생각은 못했는데
(Laughs) (Laughs)I didn't think about that.

이건 어때
How about this?

It's cute.

a trip down memory lane

처음볼걸 아마
It's probably my first time seeing it.

탐탐탐 처음 했을때!
The first time I did that!

이것두 이써
Use this, too.

이때는 폴라로이드에 한창 빠져있을 시절
This was when I was really into polaroids.

폴라로이드 진짜
Polaroids are really...

주고싶은거 하나 있음
I have one thing I want to give you.


Who wants it?~~!

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아 금발사진보니까 또 탈색하고싶네,,
I want to bleach my hair again after seeing the picture of blonde hair.

퀸덤에서도 나 갈색머리때 인터뷰 나올때마다
Whenever I had an interview with my brown hair,

탈색해야하나 생각해
I'm thinking about bleaching my hair.

내 두피는 괜찮은데
My scalp is okay.

머리색이 잘 나오지가 않는 상태랄까
My hair color doesn't come out well.

머릿결이 좀 별론가보ㅓ
Your hair doesn't look so good.

근데 만져보면 좋아
But it's good when you touch it.

그 탈색을 많이해서
I bleached my hair a lot.

머리카락에 남아있는 멜라닌색소가 다 없어졌댔나
The melanin pigment left in her hair is gone.

어 선물올라왔다
Oh, the present came up.