2022 04 13 792
오히려 제가 죄송했던,,,
On the contrary, I was sorry...
오 근데 신기하게 어제 이상하게
But it's interesting. Yesterday, strangely,
신발끈이 계속 풀렸어
My shoelaces kept coming undone.
이런 사소한걸로 믿는답니다
I believe in these little things.
그러니까 상위권이 아니면 댓글까지
If you're not in the top ranks, you can read the comments.
전달 안해주셔도 돼요 호호
You don't have to tell me. Whoo-hoo!
신발끈 풀리는게 누가 절 생각해서라구요?
Who cares about me when my shoelaces are loosened?
처음 들어봄
I've never heard of it before.
막 11:11 이런 시간 보면 그렇다는 얘기는 들어봄
I've heard that it's like 11:11 at a time like this.
아니 여진시뿐만 아니라
No, not just Yeojin-si.
그냥 같은 숫자 시간
It's the same number time.
1:11 2:22 3:33 이런거
1:11 2:22 3:33 Like this.
아니 10:10 말고 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
No, not 10:10.crying
그냥 숫자가 다 같은거,,,
It's just that the numbers are all the same.
하지만 난 진솔시가 좋아~!
But I like Jinsol's poem!
웅 지금은 지우시
Yes, it's Jiwoo time now.
하암 슬슬 졸려요
I'm getting sleepy.
어제 필름카메라 찍은거 맡겼는데
I left the film camera in charge yesterday.
자고 일나면 사진이 와있겠군요
You'll get a picture when you wake up.
과연 건진게 있을지,,
I wonder if I've got anything.
건지면 올려보지
I'll put it up when I get it.
근데 아직 못올리는날들 사진이라
But it's a picture that I can't upload yet.
그리고 사실 전 찍는거에 더 관심이 있어서
And I'm actually more interested in filming.
제 사진이 별로 없는게 함정
I don't have a lot of pictures of me.
건진게 그만큼 없을걸요
I don't think we've got that much.
이번에 그리고 흑백필름으로 첨 찍어보ㅓ서
And this time, I filmed it with a black and white film.
더 불안해
I'm more nervous.
헤헤 기대중
Hehe. Looking forward to it.
자야지 진짜~! 이따봐
I really need to sleep! See you later.
아니 나중에봐~!
No, see you later!
자러가는 굿모닝 🤍
Good morning going to bed 🤍
선공개가 떳네
The pre-release came up.
무대 정말 즐겁게 했으니 많관부
We had a lot of fun on stage. Please look forward to it.
와인잔 웃기네 저게 저렇게 클로즈업 될 줄은 몰랐는데
The wine glass is funny. I didn't know it would be that close up.
와인 마실 때 원래 향 음미하는거 아냐?
Aren't you supposed to savor the scent when you drink wine?
(Laughs) (Laughs)
필름 칼라만 먼저 왔는데
I only got the film color first.
은근 제 사진이 많네요 이 필름은
There are a lot of pictures of me. This film...
많이 건짐 ㅋ
I got a lot.
당장 보여줄수가 없는 사진이야
It's a picture I can't show you right now.
오빛4기 촬영때 찍은거라 헤헤
It was taken during the Orbit 4th generation shoot.
Jinsol hour 10.
엄마랑 저나하다가 늦었으니
My mom and I were late.
Please understand.
겁나 당당하다
He's so confident.