2022 04 11 752
벌써 4시에
It's already 4 o'clock.
All right.
자야지 진짜
I really need to sleep.
Are you sad?
전 아쉽긴한데
It's a bummer for me.
내일의 제가 후회할둣
I'll regret tomorrow.
Let's go to sleep.
잘자 둥둥 🤱🏻
Good night 🤱🏻
👩🏻🦱 와이낫진솔
👩🏻🦱 Why not JinSoul
아 욱기데
Ah, it's Wookki.
I have to sleep.
What do you mean I have to sleep?
🥷🏻 퀸덤1차 댄서분들,,,
🏻 The first batch of dancers from Queendom,
🧟♀️ 내일 아침의 나
🧟♀️ Me tomorrow morning
빠이염 진짜 폰 놔야지
Bye! I'm really going to let go of my phone.
What do you mean sleepy?
다들 굿모닝
Good morning, everyone.
오호아사 오늘은 꼴등이니까 보내지 말아줘요
Please don't let me go because I'm last today.
오호아사 뭐냐고? 오늘의 운셐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What's that? Today's fortune-telling.(Laughs)
아 오호아사가 아니라 오하아사야?
Oh, it's not "oho-asa" but "oh-ha-asa"?
I'm confused.
a premature age
역시 오늘의 나는 어제를 후회해
As expected, I regret yesterday.
아니? 좋아
No, it's good.
It's fun.
오늘도 죠은하루 보내숑
Have a great day today.
오늘은 좀 춥다
It's a little cold today.
그리고 졸림
And sleepy.
그리고 배고픔
And hunger.
우중충한 날씨엔 텐션도 주거
In dreary weather, there's a lot of tension.
그럴땐 노래를 듣자
Let's listen to music then.
호호 전 잘 안듣게되는듯
I don't think I listen to hoho.
싱더레 어제 200분 들으셨네
200 people listened to it yesterday.
나도 들어볼까나
Should I listen to it, too?
Singing in the Reen
진돌 밥먹으러감
Jindol is going to eat.
자기 안녕
Hello, honey.
What are you doing
난 데이트 중
I'm on a date.
오늘 뭐했는지 사진 올렸는데
I posted a picture of what I did today.
아직 안올라오네
It's not coming up yet.
I guess they're sleeping.
내일 올라오면 보길
I'll watch it when it comes up tomorrow.
오늘 새벽반은 클로즈입니다
This morning class is close.
아직 데이트가 끝나지않았거둔
It's not over yet.
내일 봐 💙
See you tomorrow 💙