2022 04 06 676

He's the only child.

앞으로도 그 자리에 꼭 앉아주시면 감사합니다
Please continue to sit there. Thank you.

이렇게 왔어
It came like this.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

좋아요 앞으로도 딱 저렇게 정확하게 맞았으면 좋겠다
Good. I hope we can get it right in the future.

아니 어차피 단체샷은 얼굴 잘 안보이는데
You can't really see our faces in the group shot.

저렇게되면 좀 돋보이잖아
That's gonna make it stand out.

약간 궁금증 유발 느낌
It makes you curious.

아 이렇게 말하니까 예능욕심이라 하시네
Oh, they're saying that it's a desire to be funny.

전 예능보단 무대에 욕심이 있죠
I want to be on stage more than on variety shows.

하지만 주변 상황들이 항상
But the circumstances around me are always...

It just gets funny.

일단 뭐 제가 안웃겨도
Even if I'm not funny,

멤버들이 절 놀려주는 덕분에
Thanks to the members teasing me,

둥둥씨들이 바로 좋아하는 모먼트들이져?
These are the moments that you like, right?

갑자기 김현진 카톡옴
Kim Hyunjin suddenly sent me a message.

솔생충 이거로
I'll use this.

You said it was funny.

둥둥씨들이랑 이미 말했거든~! 임뫄~!
I already talked with them! Come on!


Not today's.

리액션영상에서도 가려진거 캡쳐해왔네 얘
He captured something that was covered in the reaction video.

(Laughs) (Laughs)Oh, my.

근데 본방송이 더 의상이랑 색이 잘 맞아서 좋아
But I like the actual show because the color matches the outfit better.

아 근데
Oh, but...

저 위치가 오른쪽얼굴 사수하기는 너무 좋은 위치라
It's too good to protect the right side of my face.

I can't give up.

근데 딱 타이틀을 만들고싶은데
I want to make a title song.

It's kind of iffy.

본방솔은 너무 임팩트가 없고
The main show has no impact.

솔생충은 좀 임팩트가 강하네
It has a strong impact.

기생솔은 좀 그렇지,,,,,
Gisaengsol is kind of...

뭐 차차 생각해보도록 하지
I'll think about it later.

와 지금
Wow, right now...

좋은거 발견했어
I found a good one.

It's plagiarism.

the eye of a pine tree

You are out of your mind.

별명이 저작권을 따지진 않잖아?
Nicknames don't count copyright, do they?

나보고 맨날 브루니라매
They always call me Bruni.


아 근데 이 음료를 아직 마셔본적이 없어요
But I haven't drank this drink yet.

그것이 바로 함정
That's the trap.

저 웃긴건 겨울왕국2도 안봐서 브루니도 사진으로만 알구
The funny thing is, I haven't seen Frozen 2, so I know Bruni only from the picture.

주디도 좋아하지만 주토피아도 안봄
I like Judy, but I don't watch Zootopia.

부 같은 경우는 음,,
In the case of Boo, um...

너무 어렸을 때 봐서
I watched it when I was so young.

기억이 없네요
I don't remember.

결국엔 좋아하는 캐릭터들은
In the end, my favorite characters

무슨 목소리인지 성격인지 암것도 몰라
I don't know what voice or personality it is.