2022 04 02 623
내 이름때문에 가끔
Sometimes because of my name.
Those of you who are single.
영혼아~ 라고 불러
Call me Soul.
아니 저 실제로는 Jinsol 인데
No, I'm actually Jinsol.
나무위키에 왜 jinsoul 로 돼있음ㅋㅋㅋ쿸ㅋㅋㅋ
Why is it jinsoul on the wooden wiki? LOL
The funny thing is...
이제 my name is jinsol 이 어색해
Now my name is jinsol is awkward
활동명은 Jinsoul 인데 본명은 당연 Jinsol 이죠
His real name is JinSoul. Of course, his real name is Jinsol.
정은이는 번역기로 하면 준근이로 나온대
If you use a translator, you'll get Jungeun.
난 첨에 누군가했어
I was wondering who it was.
아 다 처음알았구나
Ah, you all knew for the first time.
정은이가 진지하게
Jungeun will be serious.
왜 오빛분들이 날 준근이라 부를까,,
Why do ORBIT call me Jungeun?
Like this.(Laughs)
너 스펠링때문에,,
Because of your spelling...
이런 썰 되게 많았는데
There were a lot of stories like this.
최리 이름을 되게 어려워했던거 같애
I think Choerry's name was very difficult.
모라고 불렀더라
He called me Mo.
I remember.
예림이한테 물어보길
Ask Yerim.
떠넘기기 ㅎㅡㅎ
I'll pass it on.
지금까지 오아써 이름얘기
We're talking about OASER's name.
The end!
제 앞엔
In front of me,
벚꽃이 피어있네요
Cherry blossoms are blooming.
다들 보셨어요? 벚꽃
Did you all watch it? cherry blossoms
팝콘 파바방
Popcorn bar room.
작년엔 예림이와 벚꽃을 보러 갔었네요
Last year, I went to see cherry blossoms with Yerim.
올해는 과연
What will happen this year...
가족이랑 함번 가고싶은걸요
I want to go with my family.
아 오빠는 생각을 못했네,,
Oh, I didn't think about you.
엄빠랑 헤헤
With my mom and dad.
엄빠랑 인생네컷 찍구싶어
I want to take four pictures of my life with my mom and dad.
그렇게 많이 찍었는데 가족들이랑은 안찍었더라구
I took a lot of pictures, but I didn't take them with my family.
근데 인생네컷을 띡으러 갈일이 없다잉?
But there's no reason to go get four cuts of my life.
가족들이랑 번화가를 갈 일이 생길라나,,
I will go to downtown with my family.
동네에는 왜 없으까
Why isn't it in the neighborhood?
ㅇㅋ 찾아가볼게
Okay, I'll go find it.
벚꽃보러간 사진 올려달라하는디
They want me to post a picture of me going to see the cherry blossoms.
그 전에 회색후드집업 입고 올린 한강사진이
Before that, the picture of Han River wearing a gray hoodie...
벚꽃보러 간 날이였어
It was the day I went to see cherry blossoms.
벚꽃이랑 찍은걸 올리진 않았지만ㅋ
I didn't upload the picture I took with cherry blossoms.
벚꽃이랑 찍은건 건진게 없더라거
I didn't get anything with cherry blossoms.
지금 나 추억여행 다녀왔어
I went on a trip down memory lane.
It's fun.
그 말은 사진을 올릴거라는거야
Which means I'm gonna post a picture.
근데 올린건지 안올린건지 헷갈려
But I'm confused whether I posted it or not.
일단 올려봄
I'll upload it first.