2022 03 24 541
이 날이 시작이였어요
This day started.
Photographer HYUNJIN.
공트에 올릴거랑 여기 올릴거 구분하느라
I'm trying to distinguish between what I post on the official Twitter and what I post here.
몇분동안 분류했네
I classified it for a few minutes.
공트는 나름 A컷
The official Twitter account is A-cut.
아니 근데 이건 미리보기고
No, but this is a preview.
공트는 본방사수를 위해 올릴거야
I'm going to upload the official Twitter to watch it live.
이랬는데 비컷을 더 맘에 들어할수도
But you might like the b-cut more.
둥둥씨들 잘쟈아🤍
Good night, Mr. Dong! 🤍
앙녕 둥둥이들
Hello, doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong.
오늘 하루 잘 보내셨나유
Did you have a good day?
아 오늘 금욜이구나
Oh, it's Friday today.
우린 요일 그런거 없어
We don't have a day of the week.
비가 많이 오지 갑쟈기ㅠㅠ
It's raining a lot.
낮에는 갑자기 너무 더워서 깜짝 놀래짜나
It's so hot during the day that I was surprised.
어제 6시에 굿나잇 인사보내짜나
I sent you a good night greeting at 6 o'clock yesterday.
근데 잠이 안와서
But I couldn't sleep.
한 아침 10시 넘어서 잤나,,, 그랬다가 1시에 일나써
I slept past 10 in the morning, and then I got up at 1 o'clock.
고래서 지금 몽롱한 상태 히히
I'm so dizzy right now. Hehe.
그래도 나름 컨디션관리는 잘하고 이씀둥
But I'm good at taking care of my dear.
그래서 팹을 자주 못드러와,,, 히히,, 미안,,,,🙄
So I can't see Fab often, hehe, sorry, 🙄
둥둥씨들 걱정하라고 하는 말은 아닌디
I'm not saying this to worry you guys.
그냥 멀티가 안돼서인지
Maybe it's because I'm not good at multi-tasking.
뭔가 스케줄이 빠바박 있을때는 그거에 집중하느라
When I have a busy schedule, I focus on that.
다른일들을 잘 못하는 편이랄까
I'm not good at other things.
그래서 오늘 낮엔 방청소해씀
So, clean your room during the day.
방이 어질어질해져가지고
My room got dizzy.
그러면서 청소용품도 또 사버리고,,,,,,,,🥴
And I bought cleaning supplies again...🥴
날씨도 따뜻해져서 옷도 사야하고,, 바쁘네
The weather is getting warmer, so I have to buy clothes, and I am busy.
아 저 빨래 널어야해요
Oh, I have to hang out the laundry.
급 생각남
I suddenly thought of it.
기다려 5분컷
Wait, 5 minutes.
The end.
비오는데 빨래 괜찮냐 하시는분들이 많은데
There are a lot of people asking if laundry is okay because it's raining.
완전 갠춘
It's totally a spring break.
원래 너무 건조해서;
It's too dry by nature;
집 자체가,,,
The house itself...
그리고 뭐,, 창문을 열어두고 건조대를 둔건 아니니까유
And well, I didn't leave the windows open and the drying rack.
나 그래서 이불 하루만에 다 빨고 말리고
So I washed and dried all the blankets in a day.
I changed it.
엄청 금방 말라
It dries really quickly.
건조기보다 금방 마르는듯
It dries faster than the dryer.
아 그건 좀 과장이였다
Oh, that was a bit of an exaggeration.
ㅋ 헤헤
지금 다우니향에 취하는 중
I'm getting drunk on Downey scent.
졸리다 오늘은 일찍 자야게써유
I'm sleepy. I should go to bed early today.
둥둥씨들도 언눙자요🤍
They're also nung-ja.🤍
까만 밤이 되길 바래용
I wish you a dark night