2022 03 22 520

저 때 나 얼굴부었다고 한 날이라
That was the day I said my face was swollen.

셀카찍은게 없어 헤
I didn't take any selfies.

Let's go home.

하지만 일찍 자야해염 ㅋ
But I have to go to bed early.

히히 잘 준비하는 중이에용
I'm getting ready to sleep.

새로운 스타일링의 날이면 거울셀카는 꼭 남겨놓는 편인데
I always leave a mirror selfie on the day of my new styling.

그래서 화이트착장 일단 올려는 놔봤어요 🥴
So I put the white outfit on top. 🥴

어제 오늘 사진을 좀 많이 올리는 거 같긴하지만,,
I think I post a lot of pictures yesterday and today.

그 동안 올리고 싶었는데 꽁꽁 숨기느라^^
I've been wanting to post it, but I've been hiding it ^^