2022 03 21 511

I guess I can't.

공감능력만 보면 티인간이여
You're a human being when you look at your empathy.

갑자기 영화보고 우는거 얘기하니까
Speaking of crying while watching a movie,

그거 생각난다
It reminds me of that.

진짜 옛날 아기시절
When I was a baby,

친오빠와 '마음이' 영화 보러 갔는데
I went to watch the movie with my brother.

진짜 오빠가 계솤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You're the one who'soccer.(Laughs)

그 울어? 울어? 계속 쳐다봐
Are you crying? Are you crying? He keeps looking at me.

아 근데 진짜 마음이는 마음이 너무너무 쓰린 영화였어
But it was a movie that really hurt my heart.

진짜 먹먹한 느낌이 이런거구나 깨닫게 해준 영화다
It's a movie that made me realize that this is what it really feels like.

여튼 파이브피트?
Anyway, Five Feet?

난중에 한번 보겠어요
I'll watch it later.

넷플에 있네용
It's on Netflix.

아주 조쿤
It's very Jokun.

같이 보자구요?
You want me to watch it with you?

저 멀티 이런건 안되는데
I can't do multi-tasking.

영화 시작했다 끝났다 이건 할수있음
The movie started and ended. I can do this.

아 그거면 돼요?
Oh, that's enough?

All right.

After the movie started,

나 잠들고
I fall asleep.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아 채원이 그랬다고?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Oh, CHAE WON did that?(Laughs) (Laughs)

That's funny.

아니 지금 영화보는 줄 아는 둥둥이가 있는데
There's a puppy who thinks he's watching a movie.

지금은 못보죠
I can't watch it now.

I'm sleepy.

이제 잘 시간이네요
It's time to go to bed.

제가 좋아하는 3 30
My favorite is 330.

다덜 평일인데 일띡 자야하자나요
It's less of a weekday, but I have to sleep.

freedom of speech

잘자아 둥둥 🤍
Sleep tight 🤍

오프닝 봐떠? 둥둥씨들?
Did you see the opening, Ddongdoongs?

저 안무하면서 무릎에 멍이 아주아주~~!~!
During the choreography, I got bruises on my knees!

더 죠은 무대들 보여줘야지요옹
We need to show better performances.Yes.

난 염색하구 출근해찌롱
I'm going to work after dyeing my hair.

녜? 네이비요 네이비색
What? It's navy. Navy.

히히 안녀엉
Hehe hi.

난 단체연습하러 갈꾸야아
I'm going to practice as a group.

아 저녁으로 수박먹었더니
Ah, I ate watermelon for dinner.

벌써 배고파
I'm already hungry.

흐힝,,, 어뜨케에에,, 배고파악
Oh, my. I'm hungry.

나 그리고 오늘 향수샀는데
And I bought perfume today.

저번에 추천 많이 받은
I got a lot of recommendations last time.

클린웜코튼을 사봤거등?
Have you ever bought a clean warm cotton?

근데 100퍼 만족하는 향은 아니라
But it's not a scent that I'm 100% satisfied with.

포맨트도 또 샀움
I also bought a formant.

아니 클린웜코튼은 코튼보단 약간,, 음,,
No, clean warm cotton is a little bit more than cotton, um...

What should I say?

몰라 일단 비누향이 아니여써
I don't know. It doesn't smell like soap.