2022 03 17 460
근데 전 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 자체를 별로 안쓰는둣
But I... [Laughing] I don't really use it.
쓰게되면 ㅎㅡㅎ 이거 씀
If I use it, I use this.
ㅎㅎ는 뭔가,, 솔직하지 못한 느낌이야
Haha is somewhat... I feel like I'm not being honest.
(Personal opinion)
어색ㅋ할때 주로 쓰지않나 아니면 가식적인 대답이나
Don't you usually use it when you feel awkward? Or fake answers.
안녕하세요 ㅎㅎㅎ
Hi, how are you?
좋아요 ㅎㅎ
Sounds good.
안 좋아보임
It doesn't look good.
요즘에 많이 쓰는건
What I use a lot these days...
~!~~!~!~! 이런것도 많이 씀
~!~~!~!~! I use this a lot, too.
활기찬 척 하는거지
I'm pretending to be energetic.
진짜 좋을땐 난
When I'm really happy,
와,, 미쳤다,,,,,,,,
Wow, it's crazy.
더 이러는 거 같은데
I think it's more like this.
너무 좋아,,,, 헣,,,,,
I love it so much.
ㅇ요론 느낌
It's like an o-yoron.
진짜로 웃기면
If it's really funny,
(Laughs) (Laughs)
이렇게 나눠서 여러번 웃음
We split it like this and laugh several times.
점 보다는 쉼표가 좀 더 커서 마음이 더 잘 느껴짐
The comma is bigger than the dot, so you can feel your heart better.
근데 그 머리 달린 쉼표인 글씨체면 그냥 점 써요
But if it's a comma with a head, I just use a dot.
이해 하셨을라나
I'm sure you understood.
이해못하신분들 반 하신분들 반 계시는데
There are people who didn't understand and people who fell in love.
그냥 여기서 끝내도록 하겠어요 이 얘긴
I'll just end it here. This story is...
참고로 ; 이것도 ' 이것도 아닙니다
For your information; neither this nor this.
ㅡㅡㅡ ㅣ ㅣ ㅡㅡㅡ ㅣ ・
요론 쉼표면 안씀
Don't rest on the surface.
이게 글씨체마다 달라서 설명불가능이여
It's hard to explain because each handwriting is different.
다 똑같은 ,,,, 이건데 글씨체 마다 다르다는거쥬
It's all the same, it's this, but it's different from handwriting to handwriting.
여튼 그렇슴다
Anyway, that's it.
이제 곧 잘거에유우
I'm going to sleep soon.
이 시간만 되면 언제자냐 하는 분들이
People are asking when I sleep at this hour.
많아지기 때문에
There will be a lot.
퇴장을 해볼거야
I'm going to leave.
둥둥씨가 졸리므로
Since you're sleepy,
나에게 물어보는거 같아
I think you're asking me.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
둥둥씨들 제가 피곤할까봐 걱정해주시는데
They're worried that I might be tired.
저 오늘 넘 늦게 일어났어서
I woke up so late today.
양심에 찔리는걸요
I feel guilty.
하지만 일찍 잘거긴 해유
But I'm going to bed early.
일찍이라 하기는 좀 그렇지만
It's hard to say it's early,
나는 이제 자러갑니다용
I'm going to bed now.Dragon