2022 03 15 443


그래서 결론은
So the conclusion is...

행복한 한강 상상이였구요
It was a happy Han River imagination.

전 뼈해장국 먹을거에요
I'm going to have pork rib hangover soup.

상상은 상상일뿐
Imagination is just imagination.

아니 술 안먹었어요 왜이래요
No, I didn't drink. What's wrong?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아니 저 술 잘 즐기지않습니다만
No, I don't really enjoy drinking.ten thousand

해장국은 즐길뿐
Hangover soup is just for fun.

여튼 빠염ㅋ
Anyway, bye!

아 지금부터 차단 확인이 되는구나
Oh, I can check the screen now.

갑자기 차단얘기가 나오네
All of a sudden, people are talking about blocking.

신고만 해봤을텐데
I'm sure you've only reported it.


이것도 알람가나
This is also an alarm.

Block Agreement(Laughs) (Laughs)

여튼 오케
Anyway, okay.

발전하는 팹
a developing fab

앙녕 둥둥씨들
Hello, Mr. Doongdoongsi.

고워니랑 데이뚜 하고왔도
I played data with Gowoony.

오늘 정말 많이 걸어댕겼어
I walked a lot today.

하루종일 걸어댕긴듯
It's like I've been walking all day.

맞아 오랜만에 운동했네
Right, it's been a while since I worked out.

소품샵을 가고싶어서 찾으러 계속 다녔는데
I wanted to go to a prop shop, so I kept looking for it.

다 닫았더라구,,
It's all closed.

평일이라 일찍닫나,,?
Do you close early because it is a weekday?

8시쯤 갔는데
I went there around 8.

소품샵은 다 일찍 닫더라구
All the prop shops close early.

그리고 지하철 막차까지 놓쳐서
And I missed the last subway train.

중간에 또 택시탔지롱,,
I took a taxi again in the middle.

지짜 많이 걸을수밖에 없었지
I had to walk a lot.

11시반인데 왜 끊겼지
It's 11:30. Why did it get cut off?

그래도 날씨가 좋아서
But the weather is so nice.

It's worth walking around.

오늘 코트 첫개시였거둥ㅋ
Today was the first time to open a coat.

아직은 조금은 쌀쌀하던데?
It's still a little chilly.

한강은 갈까말까 하다가 안가쏘
I was thinking about going to Han River or not, but I didn't go.

오늘은 걸어댕기다가 카페갔다가 와찌이
Today, I walked around and went to a cafe.

사진은 별루 안찍었눈데에
I didn't take a lot of pictures.

그냥 필카로 한장
Just a film camera.

인생네컷 한장
Four cuts of my life. One.

The end!

다들 잘준비 했어?
Are you all ready to sleep?

난 아직,,
I'm not yet...

I should do it!

Not yet.

It doesn't matter.

30분에 간다
I'm leaving at half an hour.


I am going.