2022 03 12 403

난 떡볶이랑 튀김먹구
I ate tteokbokki and fried food.

사내맞선랑 2521 보고 와쭈
Go and watch 2521 with a guy.

남찍사는 각도가 비슷하긴한데
The angle is similar.

포토카드는 나름 열시미 노력중ㅋ
I'm working hard on the photo card.

근데 나처럼 각도기들 점점 생기던데
But there are more protractors like me.

The members, too.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

언제공개될지 모르지만
I don't know when it'll be released,

나중에 나올 셀카들이 있다면
If there are selfies that will come out later,

저 아주 많이 노력했는데
I tried really hard.

좀 잘 찍은듯
I think I did a good job.

저녁 뭐먹어써
What did you eat for dinner?

You eat well and you are a puppy.

웅 나도 엄청 잘먹고댕기지
I eat really well and I'm a puppy, too.

지금은 유튜브 보는중
I'm watching YouTube right now.

숏박스 너덜트 오디지
Shortbox Nut Odyssey

이것도 챙겨보고
I watch this, too.

킬링보이스도 챙겨보고
I watched the killing voice.

워크맨 챙겨보고
I watch Walkman.

예능프로 클립들 챙겨보구
I watched clips of variety shows.

숏박스 지금 100만구독자 달성 이벤트도 함
Short box. We're doing an event to reach 1 million subscribers.

제 친구 응모했대옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
My friend applied.(Laughs)

(Laughs) (Laughs)

레오제이님도 보고
I saw LeoJ, too.

예능프로는 나혼자산다랑 유퀴즈, 물어보살
Variety shows are "I Live Alone" and "You Quiz". Ask me.

이 세개 젤 많이봐
I watch these three the most.

흠냐,, 심심하네,,
Hmm, I'm bored.

이럴땐 나노블럭이 시간 보내기엔 좋아
Nanoblocks are good for spending time at times like this.

아니 드라마 다 봤다니카
No, I finished watching the drama.

왜 안보녜
They're asking why I can't see it.

갠톡으로 보인다매! 왜 못보는거야!
It looks like a personal talk! Why can't you see it?

아 지금한다고?
Oh, you're doing it now?

전 본방으론 안봅니다
I don't watch it in real time.

넷플로만 봅니다요
I only watch it on Netflix.

본방사수는 꼭 챙겨봐야할거같아서
I think I have to watch it when it airs.

빠르게 포기하는거쥐,,,
Give up quickly.

둥둥씨들 잘 놀고있어
Ddongdoongs, have fun.

I'll be back later.

오늘 화이트데이래
Today is White Day.

둥둥씨들 🍭 선물🤍
Dung-doongs 🍭 Present 🤍

사탕싫어하시는분들은 🍫🍪🍩🍰🎂🍨🍧🍦
If you don't like candy, 🍫🍪🍩🍰🎂🍨🍧🍦

내가 첫번째길 바래
I hope I'm the first.

히히 내가 첫번째야? 좋군
Hehe I'm first? That's nice.

이모티콘으로만 드숑
Only with emoticons.

실제론 밥 많이 먹어 디저트 많이 먹지말고
In reality, eat a lot. Don't eat a lot of desserts.

너무 달아
It's too sweet.

저 사탕 대 초코 물어보시는데
They're asking about candy vs chocolate.

디저트는 딱히,,,, 그냥 관심 없슴니다
I'm not interested in dessert.

아 근데 한번씩 먹는건 당연 좋지
But it's good to eat it once in a while.

유명한 그런 디저트 이쨔나
It's a famous dessert.