2022 03 11 396
King, get it!
우연히 본 적 없어요?
Haven't you seen it by chance?
전 많은데
I have a lot.
오빛 우연히 본 적도 있음ㅋ
Orbit, I've seen it by chance.
아 어떻게 알았냐고
How did you know?
팬싸에서 봤던 얼굴이여서
I saw him at the fan signing event.
Got it?
그래서 사실 보고 아는척 안했어요,,
So I actually didn't pretend to know when I saw it.
옛날일이거든요 마스크도 안쓰던시젛
It's a long time ago. You didn't even wear a mask.
그 때 아마 예림인가
I think it was Yerim.
누군지 기억안나는데
I don't remember who it was.
멤버아이와 있었는데
I was with a member.
오빛보다 내가 먼저 알아보고
I found out before ORBIT.
사실 먼저 모른척 함
To be honest, he pretended not to know first.
K, T.(Laughs) (Laughs)
아니 근데 막 심하게 모른척도 아니고
No, but I'm not pretending that I don't know.
신호등 서로 반대편이였는데
The traffic lights were on the opposite side.
그냥 시선을 최대한 피하자~! 정도
Let's avoid eye contact as much as possible! Degree
근데 못알아보시던데요
But they didn't recognize me.
왜 피했냐고?
Why did I avoid it?
먼저 아는척을 하기도 뭐하고
It's not good to pretend to know first.
저희가 막 꾸민 상태도 아니였고,,
We weren't just dressed up.
근데 진짜 이런식으로
But really, like this...
옆에 있었는데도 여러분들이 못알아봤을수도
You might not have recognized me even though I was next to you.
I have it.
근데 생각해보면 핸드폰을 보고다니지
But when I think about it, I look at my cell phone.
사람구경 잘안하자나유
Let's not watch people.It's me.
나도 친구들이랑 다니는거 아니면
If I don't hang out with my friends,
진짜 폰만 보고댕기는듯,,
It's like I'm really just looking at my phone.
아 물론 길 걸어다닐땐
Of course, I'm walking on the street.when sleeping
I don't watch it.
대신 노래감상하며 분위기에 취해 걸어다님
Instead, listen to music and walk in the mood.
노이즈캔슬링 당연히 안하지
Of course I don't do noise cancelling.
It's dangerous.
저는 대중교통 의자에 착석했을때만
When I sit on a public transportation chair,
노이즈캔슬링 합니다
Noise cancelling.
걸어다닐때도 하면 위험해요,, 다들 하면 앙대
It's dangerous to do it when you're walking around, everyone says it's not to do it.
요즘 차도 좋아져서 차 소리도 안난단말야
The car's gotten better these days, so there's no sound.
노캔안해도 안들리는마당에
I can't hear you even if I don't can't.
아 노이즈캔슬링 하니까 그 썰 생각나네
Speaking of noise cancelling, I remember that story.
말했나? 버스에서 말 건거?
Did I tell you? Did I talk to you on the bus?
말 한거같네
I think I told you.
아 말안했나,,?
Oh, didn't I tell you...?
아니 버스에서 자리 딱 앉아서 앉자마자 노캔모드로 딱 전환했는데
As soon as I sat down on the bus, I switched to no-can mode.
옆자리 사람이 갑자기 툭툭치더니
The person next to me suddenly tapped me.
중얼중얼 하시는고여
He's muttering.
A picture came up?
그럼 거기서 ㄲ
Then, let's...