2022 03 04 323
내일부터 다이어트 할라고
I'm going on a diet starting tomorrow.
격리동안 딩굴어서 그 지방이 캐릭터느낌
It's like a character in the countryside because he rolls around during quarantine.
여튼 놀다올게^.^
Anyway, I'm going to have fun.^
다 놀고와써 둥둥씨들
We all had fun, Mr. Dung-doong-ssi.
넵 올만에 잼게 놀아씀둥
Yes, it's been a while. Have fun.
잘 준비해야지,, 귀찮아,,
I have to get ready to sleep, it's annoying.
잘 준비하는 이 시간이 젤 귀찮앙~!
Getting ready to sleep is the most annoying time!
하지만 벌써 3시이므로,,
But it's already 3 o'clock.
오늘은 일찍 잘듯! 지금 시간이 이미 일찍이 아니지만,,
I think I'll go to bed early tonight! The time is not early yet.
잘 준비 다하고
Get ready to sleep.
급 인테리어에 빠져서 가구배치 해보다 옴
I was so into the interior that I tried arranging furniture.
인테리어란 어렵네
Interior is hard.
어떻게하면 좀 넓게쓸까
What should I do to make it wider?
이게 젤 중요
This is the most important.
정말 가구를 다 빼버리고싶어
I really want to take out all the furniture.
그냥 성공해야지,,,그래,,,
You just have to succeed, yes, yes.
메이크오버 인테리어로 대리만족
Vicarious satisfaction with the interior of the makeover
메이크오버에선 섬도 살 예정이라^^
I'm planning to buy an island at Makeover. ^^
섬 모으려고 돈 모으는 중
I'm saving money to save an island.
웅 사이버갑부
Yes, cyber-rich.
이제 자야지
I'm going to sleep now.
둥둥씨들 자!!!!
Ddongdoongs, go to sleep!
I don't play games. I'm going to sleep.
진짜 잘겁니다
I'm really going to sleep.
폰을 내려놓고 불을 끕시다
Let's put the phone down and turn off the lights.
앙ㅇ녕~! 잘자!
Anyeong~! Good night!
Ang-nyeo-ung. (Pun in Korean)
잘잤는데 더 자고싶당!
I slept well, but I want to sleep more!
꿈안꾸고 자고시퍼
I don't want you to sleep.
더 자고와야지이 2시에 일난당
You need to sleep more. You'll get in trouble at 2 o'clock.
잠이 역시 안오는군뇨
I can't sleep.
밥먹어야지이 모두 맛점!
You have to eat. Enjoy your lunch!
짬뽕이랑 탕수육 먹어쭈
Eat jjamppong and tangsuyuk.
다이어튼데,,,? 나 1일1식 한다해짜나
It's a diet..? I eat one meal a day.
풀만 먹는 다이어튼 절대 못해
I can't do a diet that only eats grass.
여러분 안빠질거같죠? 빠집니다
You don't think it'll come out, right? It's falling out.
아 근데 1식만 먹고 아예 굶진 않지
But I don't starve after eating just one meal.
배고프면 뭐,, 과일조금이나 과자조금이나,,
If you are hungry, just a little fruit or a little snack.
1.5 equation
(Laughs) (Laughs)
단기간에 확 빼면 얼굴상해
If you lose weight in a short period of time, your face will be damaged.
지금까지 막 먹었어서 적당히 배만 안차게 먹으면 됨
I've just eaten so far, so I just need to eat moderately so that I don't
운동,, 했었죠,,
I used to work out.
필라테스,, 다시 가야하는데
Pilates... I have to go again.
귀찮은거보다 연습스케줄때문에 못갔었지^^ 못!
Rather than being lazy, I couldn't go because of my practice schedule. ^^ I couldn't!
진짠데에,,, 콘서트 하기 3일전까지 다녔오,,,
Really, I went until 3 days before the concert.
둥둥이들은 맨날 뭐래애
What do you always say?
예 삐졌습니다 빠2빠2
Yes, I'm upset. Paper 2, paper.
삐져서 안온다녀 잠깐 쉬는타임
She's upset and doesn't come. It's a break time.
2521 새로 나온거 봤지롱요
2521... I saw the new one.