2022 02 28 259

길가다가 만난 오빛분들중에 제일 기억에 남는 사람 있어..?

  • 길가다가 만난 적이 별로 없어요,,,
    Is there any ORBIT that you remember the most?

  • I haven't met many people on the street.

남찍사 부탁하면 누가 제일 잘 찍어줘요?

  • 고원 최리 여진
    Who's the best photographer when I ask for a male photographer?

  • Highland Choi Ri Yeojin

저는 언제쯤 연애 할까요?

  • 물어보살이나 연애의 참견으로 ㄲ
    When should I start dating?

  • Ask him or love him.See Synonyms at love.

진도리 씨, 개인 답장 안 했어요???

  • 전체답으로 하는중이라 개인적인 질문은 안받는 중입니당
    Jindori, you didn't reply individually???

  • I'm not taking any personal questions because I'm doing it in full.

힘들고 우울?할때 아님 스트레스 받았을때 본인만의 해소법 있나요?

  • 유튜브에 '위로가 되는 노래모음' 검색해서 자주 듣고 오히려 그렇게 슬픈 노래를 들으면서 더 차분해지려고 하는 편
    Do you have your own way to relieve stress or stress?

  • I search "Comforting Song Collection" on YouTube and listen to sad songs to become calmer.

나 이거 진짜 궁금한데 진솔이도 우리 진솔한 대화 나눠보자 하는 말을 쓸때가 있나요?

  • 전-혀 안해유
    I'm really curious about this. Do you ever write things like, "Let's have a sincere conversation?"

  • Not at all.

다이어리나 일기가튼거 써요?!

  • 노옵
    Do you write a diary or a diary that's worn out?

  • No.

금발 vs 흑발 vs 파란색 vs 갈발

  • 금발
    Blonde vs black hair vs blue vs brown hair.

  • Blonde hair.

유독 일에 집중이 안된다거나 할때 하는 행동이 있나요? (지금 공부해야 되는데 집중이 안되서 하는 질문임둥,,)

  • 그 날은 포기
    Is there anything you do when you can't concentrate on your work? (I have to study now, but I can't concentrate.)

  • I give up on that day.

잠잘때 몸 방향은 어느쪽으로 두고 자는 편이야~?

  • 일자로 그대로 자는 편
    When you sleep, which direction do you put your body on?

  • I tend to sleep straight line.

진도리는 쉬는날에 혼자있을때 에너지 충전이되나요 사람과 같이있을때 에너지 충전이되나요

  • 혼자!
    Does Jindo-ri charge energy when she is alone on her day off? Do you recharge your energy when you're with people?

  • Alone!

(수줍게 물어보는) 이상형이 궁금함미돠

  • 나같은 사람
    I'm curious about your ideal type.

  • a person like me

그럼 반대로 싫어하는 유형의 사람은?

  • 예의없는 사람
    What kind of person do you hate?

  • an impolite person

언니같은사람이란게 취향이랑 성격이 비슷하단 뜻이겠지?

  • 음 성격 60퍼와 눈을 제외한 겉모습
    Does it mean that people like you have similar tastes and personalities?

  • Mm personality 60% and looks except for the eyes

여긴 질문방 근데 왜 내 질문 안 대답했잖아,,,,, 속상행~🥲😥

  • 나도 속상행🥹
    This is a question room, but why didn't you answer my question... 😥

  • I'm so sad too.

눈을 제외한 겉모습??? 이유라도 있어??

  • 그냥 음,, 이상형으론 쌍커풀 짙은건 별로 선호하지 않습니다만
    Outside except for the eyes??? Do you have a reason?

  • I don't really like thick double eyelids.ten thousand

진솔이가 더 중요하게 보는 거 턱선 vs 콧대

  • 포기못해
    What JinSoul thinks is more important. The jawline vs. the bridge of the nose.

  • I can't give up.

내꺼 말하는거 아냐?
Aren't you talking about mine?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

내 턱에 좀만 살쪄도 싫고,, 코도 지금 별로 높지도 않은데 낮아지면 안될거같은데,,
I don't want to gain weight on my chin, and my nose is not that high right now, but I don't think it should be lowered.

저 다담달에 졸사 찍는데 포즈 머할까여

  • 평범하게 찍어라.
    I'm taking a graduation photo in Damdal. What pose should I do?

  • Take a normal picture.

언니 볼 말랑한가요? 쿡 👉🏻

  • 볼살 사실 별로 없음
    Do my cheeks look soft? Cook 👉🏻

  • I don't have much cheek fat.

안경은 싫어하는 편이야? 안경셀카는 잘 없길래,,

  • 지금쓰고는 있음
    You don't like glasses? I don't have a lot of glasses selfies.

  • I'm using it now.

방탈출 해보셨나요?

  • 해봤지만 탈출경험 없음
    Have you tried room escape?

  • I've tried, but I've never escaped.

브루니랑 몽키치랑 데이트할래?

  • 실제로보면 조금 무서울듯,,
    Do you want to go out with Bruni and Monkey?

  • It would be a little scary to see in person.

반지 vs 팔찌 vs 목걸이 vs 귀걸이 vs 초커 연말 무대에서 이 중 하나만 착용할수 있다면???

  • 초커
    Ring vs bracelet vs necklace vs earrings vs choker If I could only wear one of these on the year-end stage???

  • choker

비오는날이 좋은지 맑은날이 좋은지 두번째 묻는다

  • 집착하지마ㅡㅡ 닉네임 지우는 웃는게 이쁘다면서ㅡㅡ 나한테 관심갖는척,,,,,,,,,,,흥,,,,,,,
    The second time I ask if I like rainy or sunny days.

  • Don't be obsessed-- I heard that you look pretty with your smile when you erase your nickname-- Pretend to be interested in me.

(Acting tone)

오해 ㄴㄴ
Don't misunderstand.

언니 부모님도 더벅이 좋아해?

  • 아니 엄마가 굉장히 별로 안좋아하심
    Do your parents like Deobuk, too?

  • No, my mom doesn't really like it.

나는 어떠시대

  • ? 같이 인사드려^^
    How am I?

  • ? Say hello together ^^

진솔이가 선생님이었다면 무슨과목가르쳤을것 같아요? 그리고 멤버들이 선생님이라면 무슨과목 어울릴것같나요?

  • 수학!
    If Jinsol was a teacher, what subject would you teach? And if the members are teachers, which subject do you think would suit?

  • Math!

다른멤버 말하기엔 너무 멤버가 많아서,,, 포기
There are too many members to say other members, so I give up.

눈이 녹으면? 봄이 온다 vs 물이 된다 온니의 개인적인 생각으로는 어느 쪽인지 궁금햐요

  • 후자죠
    When the snow melts? Spring is coming vs. water. Personally, I'm wondering which one you think it is.

  • The latter.

언니 최근에 팹 첫 게시글에 달렸던 댓글 읽어본적 있어요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 말투 다른거 웃김 ㅜㅜ ㅣ

  • 봤어요 킹받던데
    Have you read the comment on the first post on Fab recently? (Laughs) It's funny how you talk differently.

  • I saw it. He was the king.

진돌 하라메 들어버니 페일블루닷 소울풀하게 부르셨던데 청량이랑 너무 잘 어울렸어요 시원한 느낌을 노리고 소울풀하게 부르신건지 궁금합니다!

  • 그 노래자체가 청량장르가 아니라 약간 딥하고 소울풀한 느낌이에여 아직 모르시죠 하,,
    You sang "Jindol highlight medley" in a soulful way, and it went so well with the refreshing song. I wonder if you sang it soulfully for a cool feeling.

  • The song itself is not a refreshing genre, but a bit deep and soulful, so you don't know yet.

어떤 악세사리의 색상을 좋아해요? 실버 vs 골드 vs 로즈 골드

  • 완저니 실버
    What kind of accessories do you like? Silver vs gold vs rose gold.

  • Soldier silver.

왜 정진솔씨 혼자 알구계시죠? 저도 알고싶습니다

  • 멤버해서 먼저 녹음하면 됨
    Why do you know Jung Jin Sol by yourself? I want to know, too.

  • You can record first as a song.

언니가 조아하는 건 컨버스 하이 or 컨버스 로우 둘 중에 어떤 걸 더 조아하시나요?!

  • 로우
    What you like is Converse High or Converse Low. Which one do you like better?

  • Low

예전에 진도리가 팹에서 했던 말

‘저 멀리서 보면 우린 쪼꼬만 지구에 모여있거든’

이거 페일 블루 닷이랑 연관 있는거였어????????????

  • 으음 전~혀
    What Jindo-ri said at Fab before.

"If you look from afar, we're gathered on a small earth."

Was this something to do with a fail blue dot?????????

  • Not at all.

본인만 알고있는 인생 꿀팁같은거있나요

  • 다들 인생 1회차 아니신가요? 저도 그래서 몰라요,,
    Do you have any tips for life?

  • Isn't this your first time in your life? That's why I don't know.

혹시 조던은 안신으시나요 댄서분들이나 연예인분들 연습할때 많이 신으시는것같덩데

  • 신어유 ㅎㅡㅎ
    Don't you wear Jordans? I think dancers and celebrities wear them a lot when they practice.

  • It's a new word.

언니 실외 마스크 제한 풀리고 밖에서 마스크 안쓰고 걸어다녀본 적 잇어요???

  • 꽤 있쥬
    After the outdoor mask restriction was lifted, I walked outside without wearing a mask.Have you ever had one?

  • There are quite a few.

100%확률로 10억받기vs50퍼센트 확률로 100억받기

  • 전자
    After the outdoor mask restriction was lifted, I walked outside without wearing a mask.Have you ever had one?

  • There are quite a few.

플립댓에서 탐나는 파트가 있었나요 있었다면 누구의 파트죠?

  • 탐안남!
    Was there a part you wanted in "Flipped That"? If so, whose part is it?

  • Good looking guy!

지금 구독자 수!!

  • 안알려중거임
    The number of subscribers right now!

  • I'm not telling you.

선의의 거짓말은 해도 된다 vs 안된다.

  • 전 거짓말 할바엔 말 안하는게 좋아여
    You can tell a white lie. vs. No.

  • I'd rather not say than lie.

2시다 여기까지!
It's 2 o'clock. Let's stop here!

질문방은 이제 폐쇄하겠어요,,, 대신 소통을 열심히 할게요 🫶🏻
I'll close the questionnaire now, but I'll try to communicate with you. 🫶🏻

게시물을 삭제한다는건 아니구,, 다시 오진 않을 둣
I don't mean to delete the post, but I won't come back.