2022 02 27 257

아점메추 받아요
I get lunch recommendations.

피자는 이틀연속 먹어서 탈락
You failed because you ate pizza for two days in a row.

짬뽕 국수 김치찌개 이게 젤 만ㄹ군
Spicy Seafood Noodles Kimchi Stew. This is the best.

뼈해장국도 맛있겠다
Pork rib hangover soup sounds good, too.

아니 뼈해장국에 도넛을 같이 먹을건 아니자나? 먹고나서 먹는거지!
Aren't you going to eat donuts with pork rib hangover soup? You eat it after you eat it!

뼈해장국 고민되는데 치우기가 귀찮아,,,,
I'm worried about pork rib hangover soup, but I'm lazy to clean it up.

많은 메뉴추천 감사합니다
Thank you for recommending a lot of menus.

제 결정은
My decision is...

두 Drum roll, drum roll

일단 노티드먹고 생각해볼래요 노티드를 밥으로 먹을수도
I'll think about it after eating Noted. I might eat Noted as rice.

지금 노티드말곤 끌리는게 없어요
There's nothing I'm attracted to other than Noted.

노티드를 밥으로 먹으면 한 2-3개는 먹것지
If I eat Noted as rice, I'll eat 2-3 of them.

빨리와라 내 노티드💙
Come on, my Noted💙

배달원분이 안잡혔어>< 악><
The delivery man didn't get caught><

오늘 도보면 한 30분 더 걸릴거같은데
I think it'll take another 30 minutes.

안잡히는중,,,, 또르륵,,,,
I'm not getting caught...

난 바닐라 민초 초코 레인보우베이글 이러케 시켰어
I ordered vanilla, mint chocolate, rainbow bagel.

민초 왜 다 싫어하니 짱맛
Why do you hate mint chocolate? It's so delicious.

근데 민초 내가 젤 조아하는건 공차에 민트쿠키스무딘가? 그거 있는데 짱짱 맛있음
But what I like the most is the mint cookie smoothie in Gongcha? There's that. It's so delicious.

뭐 민초 싫어하시는 분들 있는데 개취니까 ^^
There are people who don't like mint chocolate, but it's personal preference. ^^

그럴바엔 치약을 먹는다는데 치약을 평소에 드십니까?
Rather, do you usually eat toothpaste?

난 민초도 좋고 파인애플피자는 진짜 짱조아
I like mint chocolate and pineapple pizza is the best.

파인애플을 추가할정도야
I'm just adding pineapple.

파인애플은 구워먹는게 더 맛이써
Pineapple tastes better when grilled.

얼려먹는게 맛있는 과일도 있고 구워서 맛있는게 이쏘
There are fruits that are good to freeze and eat, and it's good to grill.

스테이크에 구운파인애플 같이 먹자나
Let's eat steak and grilled pineapple together.

근데 태국갔을때 망고밥은 시도 못하겠더라
But when I went to Thailand, I couldn't try mango rice.

과일과 밥을 같이 먹진 못하겠어,,
I can't eat rice with fruits.

근데 먹어보고는 싶음 망고가 좋거든
But if I want to try it, I like mangoes.

포카칩은 파랑
Pocachip is blue.

프링글스는 분홍색
Pringles is pink.

진라면은 안사머금
I don't buy Jin Ramen.

라면 자체를 별로 안먹는데
I don't really eat ramen.

그래서 어떤 맛인지 잘 몰라,,
So I don't know what it tastes like.

와 이 순간!
Wow, at this moment!

배달원이 픽업했습니다!
The delivery man picked you up!

It takes 8 minutes.

공복에 유산균^^ 드세요
Lactobacillus on an empty stomach ^^ Eat it.

다들 아직도 민초 파인애플피자 논란이 많은데 뭐 각자 취향이 있으니까 자기꺼 먹으면 되지! 뭘 그래애!
There's still a lot of controversy over mint chocolate pineapple pizza, but we can eat our own since we all have our own preferences! What are you talking about?

각자 자기꺼 시켜서 갠적으로 먹으면 돼
You can order your own and eat it individually.

도넛 도챡ㅋ
Donuts, too.

앙녕 다들 밥먹어
Anyeong, everyone eat.

무슨일이야 도넛 하나가 안왔어
What's going on? A donut hasn't arrived.

먹다가 암
While eating, I'm eating it's cancer.

갠찬아 그냥 먹을래,,, 베이글반쪽 먹었는데 벌써 배불러
Ganchan, I'll just eat it... I ate half of the bagel, but I'm already full.

악 배불러
Oh, I'm full.

이런거 따지면 뭐 시간만 아까워,,,
It's a waste of time if you think about this.

도넛1개랑 베이글 반쪽
One donut and half a bagel.

혜쥬 노래 다들 들었어? 안들었으면 지금 바로 꼬
Did you all listen to Hyejoo's song? If you didn't listen, go right now.

진짜 봄이 온 거 같은 노래야
It really feels like spring has come.