2022 02 22 212

왜 졸리지,,,
Why are you sleepy...

어제 한 3-4시에 잤나? 그럴걸
Did I go to bed at 3-4? I think so.

배달파트너님~~!~!~ 제 집을 선택해주셔요
Delivery partner! Please choose my house.

내가 2시쯤 팹에서 잔다했구나
I told you I was going to sleep at Fab around 2 o'clock.

ㄱ러면 아마 3시넘어서 잤나봐
If it's "G-R-R," I think I slept past 3 o'clock.

뭐하다 잤지,, 팹하느라 답못한 카톡을 하고,,
What did I do before I went to bed? I couldn't reply because I was busy with fab.

쇼핑 잠깐하고,,
I went shopping for a while.

메이크오버는 요즘 못하는중이야
I can't do makeovers these days.

그거 한번하면 몇시간 하게돼
Once you do it, you do it for hours.


우와 파트너님 잡혔어
Wow! Your partner got caught.

근데 도보로 오시네
But they're coming on foot.

꽤 먼거린데,,
It's quite far away.

오늘도 춥던데,,,,, 화이팅,,,
It was cold today, too. Fighting.

영하 11도네? 으아아악
It's minus 11 degrees. Oh my god!

다들 따뜻하게 입고댕기기
Everyone, dress warmly.

엥 파트너님 짱빨라
Partner, you're so fast.

지도 보고있는데 완전 부드럽게 슈슈슉
I was looking at the map and it was so soft.

도챡! 먹고올궤에
Do-chak! On the way to eat...

먹고 잠들어서 급하게 출근준비하고 출근중
I ate and fell asleep, so I hurriedly prepared for work, and I'm going to

사실 급하겐 아니고 계획적인 잠과 출근이였음
Actually, it wasn't a rush, but it was planned sleep and work.

오늘도 화이띵
Fighting today, today.

다들 화이팅
Fighting, everyone!

아니 누가 몬스터 3묶음이나 보내주셨어,,, 무야,,
No, someone sent me 3 bundles of monsters, Muya...

난 매니저님이 사주신줄알았는데
I thought the manager bought it for me.

고마워유,,, 잘 마실게,, 오늘도 마침 마실라했는데
Thank you, I will drink it well... I was going to drink it again today.

멤버들이랑 노나먹을게요
I'll have fun with the members.

웅 하루에 최대 반캔씩 마실게요
I'll drink up to half a can a day.


I'll come back with practice.

나는 이제 퇴근!
I'm going home now!

둥둥이들도 오눌 하루 수고해써~!
Dongseng, you did a great job today!

오늘은 몬스터2/3캔 마셔써
I drank 2/3 cans of Monster today.

이제 거의 안마실거야,,, 조절해야지
It's almost time to massage, you have to control it.

몬스터 마신다니까 다들 건강 조심하라고 하시네
Everyone is telling me to take care of my health because I'm drinking monsters.

저 평소에 잘 안마셔요,, 이렇게 안무 급하게 할때만^^!
I don't usually drink it... Only when I dance in a hurry like this ^^!

사진 뭐 올릴까 고르는중
I'm choosing which photo to post.

아직 못고룸
I haven't decided yet.

Under review

오빛들에게 좋은 선물이 될거야
It's gonna be a great gift for ORBIT.

당분간 없을거야 선물
There won't be a present for a while.


다 올려버렸어
I uploaded it all.

새로 찍은건 공개할수없어
I can't reveal the new one.

아니면 더 과거로 가던가 할게
Or I'll go further back in time.

아니 염색이 아니라 스케줄때 찍은거뿐이라,,
No, I didn't dye my hair, I just took it during the schedule.

검토해쥬세요 언능!
Please take a look at least!

스포요? 너무 다양해요
Spoiler? There are so many kinds.

퀸덤 스포가 아니라 사진 스포 말하는건데
I'm not talking about "Queendom". I'm talking about photos.

어ㅐ갑분 퀸덤,,,,,
All of a sudden, Qindom...