2022 02 17 162
스파이더맨을 좋아하는건 아니고,, 그냥 선물 받았어요,,
I don't like Spider-Man, but I just got it as a gift.
작은 피규어는 관리가 힘들어요
It's hard to manage small figures.
스파이더맨이 너무 내 스탈인데 한 80센치정도는 되는거같은데
Spider-Man is my style, but I think it's about 80cm.
이거 어플로 재보니까 한 76센치나오네
I measured it on the app and it came out to be 76cm.
나중에 부자 되면 이거보다 큰 것들로 채우고 싶다
If I become rich, I want to fill it up with something bigger than this.
애들한테 막 몬치치가 더 커졌음 좋겠다고 맨날 말했는데
I always told them that I wanted Monchichi to grow bigger.
몬치치 한 초등학생 애기들 정도 크기로 있었음 좋겠다
I wish they were about the size of elementary school kids.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다 부정적반응이얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs)It's all a negative reaction lol
몬치치 머리 쓰다듬으면 진짜 아기같아,, 귀여워
If you pat Monchichi's hair, it looks like a real baby. So cute.
얼굴이 너무 딱딱할뿐
My face is just too hard.
그냥 그런 애기들을 좋아하나봐,,,^^
I guess I just like that kind of babies, ^^
몬치치 말랑하게 생겨서 되게 딱딱
Monchichi looks so soft.
몬치치 사랑 강요안해 오빛들 내 취향을 공유하는 것일뿐
I won't force you to love Monchichi. Orbits are just sharing my taste.
욕만 하지마,, 아가 상처받는다
Don't just curse, baby, you'll get hurt.
애기들을 좋아하는거같ㅇㅏ 그냥
I think I like babies.
이번에 콘서트에서 고원이동생 만났는데
I met Go Won at the concert.
너무 귀엽더라,,
It was so cute.
지짜 그래서 계속 쓰다듬으몀서 너 왜이렇게 귀여워???? 이랬는데
So I kept stroking it and asked, "Why are you so cute?"
고원이처럼 속으로 엄청 싫어한거아냐,,?
Didn't you hate it so much inside like Go Won?
오빛들 냉정하네 최애는 혜주라하고,, 싫어했을거같다하고,,
ORBITs are cold-hearted. My favorite is Hyeju... I think they would have hated it.after,,
좋아 그럴수있지
All right. That's possible.
6시부터 점검이라해서 그때까지 놀라했는데
I was surprised to hear that there was an inspection at 6pm.
배고파^^ 밥먹으러갈게,,,, 안녕,,,,
I'm hungry ^^ I'm going to go eat... Bye...
아 새벽이라고?
Ah, it's late at night?
What is this?
그래도 일단 배고프니 가긴 갈거에요
But I'm going to go because I'm hungry.
뭐먹냐고? 아까 말했잖아~🤢
What am I eating? I told you before.🤢
Bye bye ^^!
진솔 출근해쌰
JinSoul, go to work!
일하구 올게
I'll be back after work.
아까 출근해쌰
I went to work earlier.
현진이가 내 앞에 있어서 말투가 바꼈나바
Hyunjin was in front of me, so my way of speaking changed.
I'm going home.
오빛 잘쟈,,,,,
Orbit, good night.
오늘 내 1700일이래 헤헤
Today is my 1700th day. Hehe.
1700일 동안 함께해줘서 고마어💙
Thank you for being with me for 1700 days💙
1700일 다 함께하지 못했어도 다 고마워유🥴 앞으로 알아갈 날들이 더 많을거야💓 나를 이러케 대단한 사람으로 만들어줘서 고마워 오빛둥들!!!!!! 모두 늦었는데 잘자구우 일나서 연락할게 💙
Thank you for everything even if we couldn't be together for 1700 days. 🥴 There will be more days to get to know each other. 💙 Thank you for making me such a great person, Orbitdungs!!!!!! Everyone is late, good night and I'll contact you when I wake up 💓
질문 답해주고 이제 진짜 잔다용
I'm really going to sleep after answering the questions.
모두들 잘쟈아 💙
Good night everyone 💙
다들 편지고맙규 조은하루보내요옹 💙
Thank you all for your letters and have a great day💙
오늘도 화이팅 나 자신도 화이팅
Fighting today, too! Fighting to myself!
나 이제 퇴근중
I'm on my way home now.
고생했다 나 자신
Well done, myself.
오빛들은 모해
Orbit, what are you doing?
Belly crepe.
오늘 아아랑 몬스터 들이켜서
I drank iced americano and monsters today.
I think it's a private dinner.
집중하기위해 마실수밖에 없었어,,
I had no choice but to drink to concentrate.
여기 댓글이 넘 많아져서 전체로 소통하면 튕길수도 있으므로 딴 방으로 옮겨가겠씀둥
There are so many comments here, so if you communicate with the whole group, it might bounce, so I'll move to another room.