2022 02 17 161
올라왔네 어때 어때????
It came up. How is it? How is it?
필터 싫어하는건 알지만 난 이거 너무 죠아
I know you don't like filters, but I love this.
이 때 나 사랑니 빼고 너무 부어서
I had my wisdom tooth removed and it was so swollen.
필터 없으면 안됐어,,
I couldn't have done without a filter.
Come here!!!!!
난 소고기팽이버섯 해먹는중야
I'm making beef top mushrooms.
안먹을라다 너무 꼬르루루룩 거려서,,
I wasn't going to eat it, but it was so crumbling.
이 메뉴가 적당한데 마싯는 좋은 ,,, 그런 느낌이랄까
This menu is appropriate, but it's good to drink... Should I say it's like that?
오늘도 난 먹구 바로 잘준비하구 일찍잘둣
Today, I eat and get ready to sleep right away and sleep early.
열일해쌰,,,, 졸려
Work hard... I'm sleepy.
일단 먹고오겠움
I'll eat first.
다 먹어따~!~!~! 모해다둘
I ate it all! What are you doing?