2022 02 16 150

이 게임 친구한테 추천했다가 친구 돈까지 써가면서 게임중독됨
I recommended this game to my friend and spent my friend's money to become addicted to it.

나도 좀 돈 마니쓰긴함
I do spend a lot of money, too.

근데 그만큼 지금 팹도 중독돼서
But I'm addicted to Fab.

나 아직 짐정리 못함
I haven't unpacked yet.

웅 나랑 놀사람은 기다려~!~~!~! 졸린사람은 언능자~!~!~!~!~! 방해금지모드 켜놔~!~!~!
If you want to play with me, wait!~~!~! Sleepy people can't do it! Turn on the Do Not Disturb mode!

I'm done organizing my luggage.

이제 잘준비하고 누운담에 오빛들 질문 답장할래
Now get ready to sleep and I'll answer ORBIT's questions while lying down.

15분뒤에 질문방을 찾아갈예정
I'm going to visit the questionnaire in 15 minutes.

질문은 빨간옷썸네일입니다
The question is the thumbnail of the red outfit.

한시간동안 달렸다,,
I ran for an hour.

오늘은 좀 졸리네유,,,🥲
I'm a little sleepy today.

잘자 오둥 🤫
Good night Odong 🤫

Good morning!

근데 좀만 더 잘랴
Should I sleep a little longer?

지금 일오남
It's Sunday morning.

완조니 꿀잠
Good night, Wanjony.

오늘 밥 메뉴는 정해져이써요
Today's menu is decided.

어제 먹고 남은 곱창으로 볶음밥 해먹기
Making fried rice with the leftover gopchang from yesterday.

근데 방금일어나서 지금 아무생각없음
But I just woke up and I'm not thinking about anything.

여튼 오늘하루도 다들 죠은하루보내유💓
Anyway, let's all have a great day today. 💓

최리가 올리사진에
In the picture that Choerry will post,

나랑 고원이 메이크오버 하고있음
Go Won and I are doing makeup over.

저때 촬영쉬는시간마다 할만큼 중독이였거든
I was so addicted that I had to shoot every break.

아니 근데 그거 제목이랑 사진만 보고 유치해보인다 생각할수있는데 막상하면 좀 어려운 게임이야!!!!! 그래서 더 재밌어!!!!!🤨
No, but you can think that it looks childish just by looking at the title and the picture, but it's a bit difficult if you do it!!!!! That's why it's more fun!!!!!🤨

아니 메이크업 안해주고 게임만 해도 된다고
You don't have to put on makeup and just play games.

게임이 재밌는거라구
It's a fun.

꾸미기는 단지 다이아를 받기위해 꾸밀뿐
Decorating is just to get diamonds.

근데 그래서 나도 밖에서 할땐 그 꾸미기창 안보이게 조심하는중 조금 창피해서
But when I do it outside, I'm being careful not to show the decoration window. It's a bit embarrassing.

웅 게임자체는 꿈의집 느낌
The game itself feels like a dream house.

하 게임 또 앞광고해버렸네,, 촴
I advertised the game beforehand again.

일단 오늘 하루 화이팅 🥴 난 나중에 또 올게
First of all, fighting for today 🥴 I'll come back later.

곱창볶음밥해먹었거든..? 너무 맛있어.. 후식으로는 또 요거트아이스크림 시켜먹을까봐..🤤
I made gopchang fried rice. It's so delicious. I'm afraid I'll order yogurt ice cream for dessert.🤤

요거트아이스크림은 '요거트아이스크림의 정석'
Yogurt ice cream is "The Essence of Yogurt Ice Cream."

에서 시킴
ordered by

셀카 뭐 보고싶어
What selfie do you want to see?

댓글에 남겨져있던 날짜의 셀카는 찾아보니까 없더라구,,
I looked up the selfie of the date left in the comment and found it missing.

내가 걍 올려야지
I'll just upload it.

참고로 오아써때부터 버플까진 폰이 없었다요,,
For your information, there was no phone from OASER to BUFFLE.

급 졸음이,,
Sudden drowsiness...

왜이래,,,, 나 많이 잤는데,,
What's wrong? I slept a lot.

갠찬은 사진 올려써
Chan uploaded a picture.

검토중~!~! 오빛들이 좋아할거라 믿어^^!
I'm reviewing it! I believe ORBIT will like it. ^^!

이번엔 좀 자신있다 ㅋ
I'm confident this time. (Laughs]

언눙 올려쥬세요~! 싈장늬임~~!
Please post it up! It's the best!

또 점검이야?
Checking again?

나 팹이랑 잘 안맞나봐
I guess I don't get along with Fab.

아니면 팹이 날 싫어할수도,,,
Or maybe Fab doesn't like me.

내가 너무 많이해서?🤢
Because I did it too much?🤢

사진 올려주세뇨,,,,,,🤢
Please post a picture...🤢

Civilization Express News