2022 02 14 126

오빛들 미리 잘쟈,,,,🥴
Orbit, good night in advance...🥴

내가 유일하게 집중잘하는 시간이 이런거 조립할때랑 곡작업이랄까,,
The only time I can concentrate well is when I assemble things like this and work on songs.

아 3분동안 한다고?
Ah, it's going to be for 3 minutes?

고양이 점검이 좀 오래걸립니다.
It takes a long time to check the cat.

점검 꾼났나
Is there a check-up?

다 만들고 집안일까지 하고와써
After I finished making it and doing the housework.

어깨 짱 아파
My shoulders hurt so much.

스트레스해소를 위한 취민데
It's a drink to relieve stress.

몸이 아파지는 취미야
It's a hobby that makes you sick.

아니 대형나노블럭이라했는디,,
No, I said it was a large nanoblock.

저번 그 고양이의 1/3 크기랄까
It's 1/3 the size of the cat from the other day.

매우 실망인데
I'm very disappointed.

근데 이미 강아지도 주문시킴
But I already ordered the dog.

저번 고양이는 좀 고퀄이긴해여
The last cat is a bit high quality.

그건 진짜 실제 고양이 크기 정도
It's the size of a real cat.

고양이 칭구 만들어줘야지,,
Make me a cat, Chingu.Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

이제 씻고 잘준비해야주~!
I need to wash up and get ready to sleep.

그 레고는 막 하나하나 나사 조이는것두 있었어우
The Lego had a screw-tightening one by one by one.

제카 나노블럭 마자여
It's Zeca's nanoblock.

고퀄 나노블럭 원하시는 분들 추천
If you want a high quality nanoblock, I recommend it.

ㅅ근데 가격이 너무 비싸,,,
But the price is too high.

아뇨 제카 나노블럭까지 사기엔
No, I can't buy Zeca nanoblocks.

그 정도로 투자하진 않아요,,,, 취미에,, 아직까진
I don't invest that much in my hobby yet.

나 잘 준비 해야대는데
I have to get ready to sleep.

렉 걸리길래 잘 준비하고와떠
It was lagging, so get ready to sleep.

오빛둥들 다 자나,, 🤫
Orbit, are you all sleeping? 🤫

엄눙자요 다덜 난 질문 조곰 답하다 자야게따
I'm going to sleep after answering all the questions.

알림 간다길래 전체 이제 그만보냉궤,,, 다들 잘자 🤫💓
I heard that the notification will go, so I'll stop checking the whole thing... Good night everyone 🤫💓

조은아침이얄 💙
Joeun Morning Eyal 💙

다덜 밥먹었나웅
Did you eat less?

I'm hungry.

김밥먹는둥 냠
Eating gimbap. Yum.

진미채 김밥인걸 어케알지
How do you know it's dried squid gimbap?


Oh, my.[Laughing]What

Did you eat?

출근중야 지금
I'm on my way to work right now.

I'm going to work.

회사와서 콘서트 모니터링 하는데
I came to the company and monitored the concert.

다시 봐도 아쉽굼
It's sad to watch it again.

물론 처음 모니터링 한건 아님
Of course, it's not my first time monitoring it.

라이브를,,, 못했는데,,,? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ쿸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I couldn't do a live performance.

Are you a friend of mine?

안되겠다 자주 콘서트해서
I can't do this. I'll do concerts often.

제대로 해야지
You have to do it properly.

By the way.

연습실에서 셀카찍으면 노랗게 나와
When I take a selfie in the practice room, it comes out yellow.


사진 올려떠
I posted a picture.

Please review it!