2022 02 14 116
다들 밥 먹어써?
Did you all eat?
최리랑 데이트하러가따올게
I'll be back on a date with Choerry.
웅 여긴 소통해
Yes, we can communicate here.
나 퇴근하고 숙소와쑴
I came to the dorm after work.
오빛들 모햄
ORBIT's Moham.
나눈 방정리하는중
Cleaning up the shared room.
소통은 약간 브이앱처럼 전체톡으로 하는게 낫나?
Is it better to communicate through V LIVE?
웅 다수결로 소통은 전체
By majority vote, communication is the whole.
내가 개인답장하고 있는데 다 날 찾길래
I was replying individually and everyone was looking for me.
그냥 전체하쟈 소통은
Let's just communicate as a whole.
오빛들 의견이 근데 항상 반반이야
ORBIT's opinions are always half and half.
한번 글 남기면 막 3000천개씩은 댓글이 달려소,, 소통까지는 갠답이 사실 어렵고돈,, 이해해줄거라 믿어 오빛,,,🥴
Once you leave a message, there are 3,000 comments, and it's actually difficult to communicate, money, and I believe you'll understand Orbit, 🥴
질문방은 8천개 돌파해쨘나~! 고마워 오빛,,
There are over 8,000 questionnaires! Thank you, Orbit.
질문방에는 내가 시간날때 틈틈히 몰아서 해쥬께
In the question room, I will do it whenever I have time.
근데 스크롤이 안돼서 진짜 으아아아아악
But I can't scroll. Argh!
하지만 내 눈은 빨라서 읽긴해유
But my eyes are fast, so I read them.
오빛들의 사랑 많이 받으면 당연히 좋지
Of course, it's good to receive a lot of love from ORBIT.
근데 오빛둘 나 방청소 좀 마저 하고올궤
ORBIT2, I'm going to finish cleaning my room.
방정리끝,,, 왜케 피곤하냐,,, 역시 힘드러
I'm done organizing my room. Why am I so tired? As expected, it's hard.
오늘따라 졸려,, 왜이뤠 출근후유증인가
I'm sleepy today. Why am I so sick after work?
다 월요병이래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그렁가바,,
They're all saying it's Monday blues. (Laughs) I see.
오눌은 일찍 잠들도록 하게씀니다,, 오빛둥 잘쟈💓
Let Onul go to bed early. Good night, Orbitdong. 💓
I just woke up.
질문 열심히 달고있었는데 새로운 질문이 없네
I was writing a lot of questions, but there's no new one.
마쟈 갑쟈기 여진이가 인형선물해줘써오ㅜㅡㅜ
Yeojin, give me a doll.Write it down.
그리구 티엠아인데 나노블럭 하나 구입해따
And I bought a nanoblock from TMIA.
고냥이 나노블럭 샀어옹
I bought a nanoblock.
내일 해볼라궁
Do it tomorrow.
강아지로 사고싶었는데 강아지들은 내일 배송된다길래,,
I wanted to buy it as a puppy, but I heard that the puppies will be delivered tomorrow.
참지 못하지
I can't stand it.
Use to relieve stress for decorating the room
건담이나 레고하면 몇시간 걸려서 조아여 추천
Gundam or Lego takes a few hours, so I recommend it.
만들다만 건담은,,, 시도 못하겠다,,,
I can't try the Gundam I just made.
벌써 3시반이네
It's already 3:30.
Unnungja (meaning 'unnungja'
오빛들 헷갈릴까바 나름의 공지를 저기다가 써놔써
Orbit might be confused, but they wrote down their own notice there.
한마디? 거기에!
A word? There!
안졸려 나,,, 재우지마 오빛
I'm not sleepy... Don't put me to sleep Orbit.
아니 오빛들도 안자면서 왜 자래
Orbit, why are you telling me to sleep?
안괴롭힐게,,, 언눙자
I won't bother you, Unnungja.
잘쟈 오빛 새벽엔 전체톡 자제하겠어
Good night, Orbit. I won't talk to you in the morning.
오빛둥들 난 이제 자야게쒀
Orbit, I should go to bed now.
안녀어어엉 💓
Hello. 💓
조은 아침 🐯
Good morning 🐯
아침 추천곡은 selfish girls - jake miller, when will my life begin? - mandy moore 🥰
아침 추천곡은 selfish girls - jake miller, when will my life begin? - mandy moore 🥰
이 두 곡은 맨날 듣는듯
I think I listen to these two songs every day.
텐션 슬슬 올리는 곡이랄까,,
Should I say it's a song that slowly raises the tension?