2022 02 12 56

티는 났을거같애 근데
I think it would've been obvious.

그 데이앤나잇 할땐데
It was during "Day and Night".

나 멤버들이랑 같이 없으면
When I'm not with the members,

내 성격이 나와버려
My personality comes out.


그래서 눈 잘 못마주친다 사실,,
So I can't make eye contact well, actually.

날라다니는군 할수있지
It's flying. I can do it.

지금 댓글에서 그 민망함을 나눴던 팬분이 등장했어요
A fan who shared her embarrassment appeared in the comments.

It's fun.

2층이 조명때문에 생각보다 안보여서 아쉬웠어요ㅠㅠ
I was sad that I couldn't see the 2nd floor because of the lighting.crying

한명한명 다 봐야하는데ㅜ말야
I have to watch each and every one of them.

사진찍을땐 잘보였어
I could see it well when I took the picture.

진짜 코로나 괜찮아지면 좌석을 휩쓸고 다니는
When COVID-19 gets better, he'll sweep all the seats.

그런 무대도 하면 좋겠다
It would be nice to do that kind of performance like that.

구역구역별로 멤버들 한명씩 나오는거지
One member from each zone.

원래 이번에도
This time,

저번에 루나스튜디오때처럼 팬분들 폰으로
Like last time at Luna Studio, with fans' phones,

셀카찍어주고 할라했는데
I was going to take a selfie.

코로나때문에 ㅠㅠ 안된대
Because of COVID-19, they said no.

빨리 좋아지면 좋게따
I hope it gets better soon.

큰 카메라는 좀 무린디
Big camera is a bit too soft.

그나저나 나 아이스크림 시켰다
By the way, I ordered ice cream.

비싸다 근데 무슨 만칠천원 들었어
It's expensive. But it cost 17,000 won.

그냥 요거트아이스크림!
Just yogurt ice cream!

배달비 비싸긴한데 또 배달해주시는분들도
The delivery fee is expensive, but the people who deliver...

돈 버셔야하니까,,, 배달이란 서비스는
Because you have to make money, the delivery service...

난 너무 좋아
I love it.

아뉘 구냥 1인용아이스크림에 과일을 추가해써
Oh, no. I added fruit to my ice cream.

요거트 아이스크림 좋지!
Yogurt ice cream is good!

내 베라최애는,, 음,, 체리쥬빌레
My favorite is, um, Cherry Jubilee.

Don't say anything--

베라는 뭔가 그 초코볼이나 ,, 그런 알갱이들이 들어간게 좋아
Baskin Robbins likes chocolate balls and grains.

엄외, 사빠딸, 솜사탕, 요거트 좋아
I like mother, baby girl, cotton candy, yogurt.

뉴치케 좋아 그래 맞아
I like New Cheekke. Yes, that's right.

민초는 굳이 사먹진않지만 있으면 먹고
I don't buy mint chocolate, but I eat it if it's there.

민초얘기 나오면 파인애플피자도 물어보던데
People ask about pineapple pizza when we talk about mint chocolate.

저 파인애플피자는 고구마피자에 파인애플 추가할만큼 좋아해용
I like pineapple pizza enough to add pineapple to sweet potato pizza.

근데 피자 별로 안땡겨
But I don't really like pizza.

하지만 연휴에 급 땡겨서 시켜먹었지
But I was craving it during the holidays, so I ordered it.

아이스크림을 픽업하셨다
He picked up the ice cream.

3 minutes,,,

거의 도챡
It's practically...

아이스크림 먹으면
If you eat ice cream,

I should go to bed later.

Ice cream is here.

댓글에 사진은 못올려!
I can't post pictures in the comments!

먹으러갈게 오빛
I'll go eat Orbit.

아스크림 먹으니까 졸려,,
I feel sleepy after eating ice cream.

자자 오빛
Okay, ORBIT.

난 잘래 졸령
I'm going to sleep.