2022 02 11 27
실수는..... 눈감아주기 🥴
Mistakes... overlook 🥴
아니? 실수안해
No, I won't make a mistake.
오빛들 잘자요옹 💖
ORBIT, good night💖
이따 진짜 잘때 한번 다시 올게용
I'll come back later when I really sleep.
이러다 진짜 밤새겠어
I'm really going to stay up all night.
잘준비하러가자 다같이!!!!
Let's all go get ready to sleep!
해외 팬분들이 번역이 안되니까 말투를 고쳐서 보낼게요! 오빛! 오늘 너무 고맙고, 사랑해요💙
Since international fans can't translate it, I'll change my way of speaking and send it to them! Orbit! Thank you so much for today. I love you.💙
잘 준비하고 올게요 😉
I'll get ready to sleep. 😉
나 아직 안자는데 잘준비도 아직이야,,
I am not sleeping yet, but I am not ready to sleep yet.
모니터 하느라 잠을 못자네,,
I can't sleep because I'm monitoring.
근데 잘못한게 있어,,, 이 사진 스포잖아,,?
But I did something wrong, is this photo a spoiler?
찍은사진은 이거밖에 없는데 뭐라도 올리고 싶어서 올렸더니,, 실수했네,,,
This is the only picture I took, but I uploaded it because I wanted to upload something, but I made a mistake.
베레모 착장 제일 좋았는데 사진이 없어 ㅜㅡㅜ
The beret outfit was the best, but I don't have a picture.
이제 진짜 잘 준비하러갈거야!!!!!
I'm really going to go get ready for bed now!
잘자요 인사하러 올게요
Good night. I'll be back to say good night.
지금 졸린 오빛들은 잘자요옹 🐯💙
Orbit who are sleepy now, good night🐯💙
꿈꾸지말구 푸우우욱 자!
Don't dream! Sleep!
머리말리는중 오빛들 자러갔다!
Drying your hair ORBITs went to bed!
애들 다 팹하느라 안자고있다하동데 크킄크
All the kids are up because they're fabbing.Hadong Deck.
음성메세지는 안되는거가타요,, 나도 배워가는중
I can't use voice messages. I'm learning too.
오늘 엄마가 콘서트장에서 오빛들의 기운이 저에겐 보약이라고 많이 먹고와! 라고 했는데 진짜 보약이였나봐요 안피곤하네에 🥴
My mom told me that ORBIT's energy was a tonic for me at the concert today, but I guess it was a tonic. I'm not tired 🥴
2시반엔 잘거에용 키키 걱정마숑
I'm going to sleep at 2:30. Don't worry, Kiki.
개인메세지는 💙 이거 붙일게요! 구분하는걸
My personal message is... 💙 I'll put this on! I'm trying to tell the difference.
Because you wanted it!
근데 나 아직 잘 준비 안끝남
But I'm not ready to sleep yet.
이거 하느라 못자것어 팹중독
I couldn't sleep because I was doing this. I'm addicted to fashion.
이제 누워따,,, 헤헤,,,
Now lie down, hehe,
25분이다 진짜 잘준비하러 나는 떠날거야,,,
It's 25 minutes. I'm leaving to get ready for real.
이제 지짜 잘거에여! 이러다 밤샐거같애애
I'm just going to sleep now! I think I'm going to stay up all night.
웅 진짜 진짜 진짜 잔다!
Wow, I'm really going to sleep!
Good night!
오빛 댓글멈춰!!!! 포인트쓰지마!!!!
ORBIT, stop the comments! Don't use the point!
오케 내가 멈출게 자러간다 쁑
Okay, I'll stop. I'm going to bed. Bbooong.
조은 아침이야 🥰
It's morning Joeun 🥰
오늘은 머리 뭐할까?!
What hair style should I do today?
뿌까머리를 왤케 좋아하지!!!
Why do you like Pucca hair?
뿌까 좋은데,, 내가 해도 되나,, 느낌이야
Pucca is good, but can I do it? It feels like that.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ헤어쌤이 엄청 행복해하시면서 해주셔써
(Laughs)My hair stylist was really happy and did it for me.
오늘 후보는,, 반묶음,, 포니테일,, 😉 접수
Today's candidate is... a half-up ponytail... 😉 Accepted.
밥 시켜놨어! 김치잔치국수!
I ordered food! Kimchi party noodles!
다들 아침 먹었어요? 🤤
Did you all eat breakfast? 🤤
안먹었으면 따뜻한,, 국밥 먹어요
If you didn't eat, eat warm... Rice soup.
국밥이 아니라면 파스타 추천
If it's not rice soup, I recommend pasta.
요즘 배달은 다 가능해요 여러분!!!!
We can deliver everything these days. Everyone!!!!
티엠아이인데 금돼지식당,, 내 먹킷리스트,,
It's TMI, and it's a golden pig restaurant, my food kit list...
급 생각났어요🤤
I suddenly thought of it. 🤤
먹을거 얘기하니까 배고파!!!
Talking about food makes me hungry!
지금 잔치국수 먹는중
I'm eating banquet noodles right now.
Yum, yum, yum.
졸음이 찾아오고있어,,,
I'm getting sleepy.