2022 12 08 3928
I'm nervous.
서울에는 눈이 많이 오고 날씨가 그새 많이 추워졌어 모두 감기 조심하고 !! 무엇보다 건강하길 원해 몸도 마음도 머리도 !
요새 팹을 못 왔는데
그래서 걱정하는 오빛 많아서
It snows a lot in Seoul and the weather has gotten a lot colder. Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold! Above all, I want you to be healthy. Body, mind, and head!
I haven't been able to come to Fab recently. There are a lot of ORBIT who are worried. Call me!
아무리 바쁘거나 힘들거나 해도 오빛이랑 연락은 꾸준히 하려고 노력했는데 3일이나 연락 못했네🙈🙉
No matter how busy or hard I was, I tried to keep in touch with Orbit, but I couldn't contact him for 3 days.🙈🙉
항상 보고싶고 많이 많이 사랑하샤~🥰
I always miss you and love you a lot~🥰
Did you eat?
나는 이제 일끝나서 곧 먹으려구
I'm going to eat soon after work.
나는 바나나두개랑
I'll have two bananas.
with bento
편의점컵떡볶이 먹었어
I had cup tteokbokki at a convenience store.
불징어 bento
Squid bento
You don't know?
아유~ 다들
Oh, everyone.
Search it!
이게 맞나요?"
Is this right?"*
That's right!
영하 8도야
It's minus 8 degrees.
너무 추워 다들 따뜻하게 입어!!!
It's so cold! Dress warmly!
"Are you outside?"
응 촬영하고있어..
Yes, I'm filming.
"안녕 현진아!!! 거기는 또 눈이 오나요?"
"Hello, Hyunjin! Is it snowing there again?"
살아서 돌아오겠샤..
I'll be back alive.
내가 좋은 꿈 꾼 적 있다고 했잖아
I told you I had a good dream.
그래서 오늘 낮에 로또 샀는데
So I bought a lottery ticket this afternoon.
방금 결과 보니까 그냥 꿈이네
Looking at the results, it's just a dream
"꿈 내용이 뭐였어?"
"What was the dream about?"
범고래 세 마리가 불편해서 수영을 못하고 끼어 있었어 그래서 내가 도와줘서 풀어줬더니
고맙다고 인사하듯이 기분좋은 소리 내면서 갔거든?
Three killer whales couldn't swim because they were uncomfortable, so I helped them free.
I said thank you and left with a happy voice.
"꿈에서 아바타 물의 길 봤네😅"
"I saw Avatar's path of water in my dream. 😅"
아바타 3시간중에 한시간만 재밌던데
Avatar is only fun for an hour out of three hours.
뭐 사람마다 느끼는게 다르니까~! 볼 사람은 보고!!
Everyone feels differently. If you want to watch, watch it!
"현진이 범고래 신발 끈이 너무 조였나보다"
"HYUNJIN's killer whale shoelaces must have been too tight."
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
Oh, my.
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
"꿈에서 범고래를 보는건 힘들고 어려운 상황을 슬기롭게 잘 극복하고 자신의 일이나 사업을 추진해 나가는걸 의미한대!"
"Seeing a killer whale in your dream means wisely overcoming difficult and difficult situations and pushing ahead with your work or business!"
"밥은 먹었어?"
"Did you eat?"
아직~ 곧 먹으려구!!
Not yet! I'm going to eat soon!
"현진이 잘될꺼야
로또는 모르겠지만"
"Hyunjin will do well.
I don't know about Lotto."
로또도 잘되겠다고 해줘..
Please tell me that Lotto will be successful.
LOL. 😂😂
"만약 당신이 로또에 당첨된다면 당신은 그 돈으로 무엇을 할 것인가?"
"If you win the lottery, what will you do with the money?"
가족한테 쓸 거야
I'm going to use it for my family.
우리 가족이 갖고 싶은 거 사주고 우리 가족이 가고싶은 곳에 갈 수 있게 😻
Buy what my family wants and let my family go where they want to go 😻
"나도 현진이네 가족 맞지? 🥺"
"I'm also Hyunjin's family, right? 🥺"
Of course!
Good morning.
"아침인사라니!! 스케줄해?"
"Morning greetings! Do you have a schedule?"
응 오늘도 촬영해😂
Yes, I'm filming today, too. 😂
"감기 안 걸리게 조심해ㅠㅠㅠ"
"Be careful not to catch a cold."
우리 모두 조심
Let's all be careful.
계속 콧물나🥶
My nose keeps running 🥶
"흥해 흥"
"He he he he hehe."
"매우 추울 때 콧물을 흘리십니까??? 😨"
"Do you have a runny nose when it's very cold? 😨"
"오늘도 눈이 오나요?❄️"
"Is it snowing again today?❄️"
오늘은 눈이 안와요!
It's not snowing today!
"오늘날씨면 콧물 흐르다가 얼것같아요 넘추워요"
"I think my nose is going to run and freeze if it's today's weather. It's so cold."
I know.
패딩 입어도 너무 추운 날씨야
It's so cold even when I wear a padded jacket.
"내가 사는 곳은 아직도 덥고 비가 와. 올해는 눈이 안 올 것 같아요."
"It's still hot and rainy where I live. I don't think it's going to snow this year."
그나라 가고싶다
I want to go to that country.
ㅇ으하하헣 손시랴
Hahaha. My hands are cold.