2022 12 07 3925

"빵진이 나가세요~ 면진이 왔어요~ ㅋㅋㅋ"
"Bbangjin, go out! Myeonjin is here. LOL"


"역시 기면진"
"As expected, Kijungjin."


밥 든든하게 먹었으니까
Since I ate a lot,

Let's move.


coffee for dessert

I'm going to drink it.

ah ah


"한달에 밥값 얼마 나와?"
"How much do you charge for a meal a month?"

60만원 좀 넘는것같아
I think it's a little over 600,000 won.

"한 달에 30일에 세 끼 해서 90끼 먹는다 치면 한끼에 6,666원인데???"
"Let's say I eat 90 meals every 30 days a month, It's 6,666 won per meal, right?"

하루에 세끼를 안먹으니까
Because I don't eat three meals a day.

두끼 아니면 한끼
Two meals or one meal.

"세끼 다 먹을 필요는 없다더라구요"
"You don't have to eat all three meals.It's more."


"하루 두끼먹는데 한달에 식비 150만원나와요👍"
"I eat two meals a day, and it costs 1.5 million won a month.👍"


"네 끼 먹어도 되나요"
"Can I have four meals?"

Yes ..

"우끼끼는 어때요?"
"How about ukikki?"



"유튜브 보고 있어요? ㅋㅋㅋ"
"Are you watching YouTube? LOL"


Space hippopotamus 😂

"요즘엔 게임 안하고 보는거에여?"
"You don't play games these days?"


우주하마만 봐
Just look at the universe.

"겜냥이 휴식중 ㅎㅎ"
"Game cat is resting lol"


"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ웃!쭈!하!뫄! 우주와 하마를 합치면 우주하마 예~"
"(Laughs)Laugh! Ha! If you combine the universe and hippopotamus, it's the universe hippopotamus."

I'm excited!

"현진이 공포게임 이런 거 안 봐?"
"HYUNJIN, don't you watch horror games?"

눈 가리고 봐서 안봐
I don't watch it because I'm blindfolded.

"아놔 방금 일하다 바지 터졌는데 어쩌지?"
"My pants ripped while working. What should I do?"

Where are you going?

"사무실에서 웃음͈̫ 터졌는데 어쩌지?"
"I laughed in the office. What should I do?"

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

"담요로 최대한 가리세요.."
"Cover as much as you can with a blanket."


"평소보다 더 당당하면 오히려 주변에서 모르지 않을까요"
"If you're more confident than usual, people around you might not know."


"아 나 바지 여벌 하나 있긴 한데… 우리 회사가 아니실듯 ㅠ"
"I have another pair of pants... I don't think it's our company."


자 이제 나 화장을 해볼게!
Now, I'm going to put on makeup!

어제 산 화장품으로!
With the cosmetics I bought yesterday!

"Where are you going?"

Practice room.

"어제 화장품 뭐샀어? (질문해서 못가게 막기)"
"What cosmetics did you buy yesterday? (Asking questions to stop them from going)"

Oh, my.

나도 모르게 화장 다하고 누워있네..
I'm lying down without realizing it.

"오늘 츄 심야괴담회 나오는데 ㅋㅋ 게스트분이 한분 더 계시거든? 근데 ㅋㅋ 그분 ㅋㅋㅋ 김민교님이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😂 이게 진짜 인연이 닿기는 닿네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Chuu's late-night ghost story is coming out today. There's one more guest. But that person... It's Kim Min-kyo. (Laughs) 😂 I can really relate to this. (Laughs) (Laughs)"

Oh, my.

"원래 준비 다 하면 갑자기 쉬고 싶어지는거야"
"When I'm ready, I suddenly want to rest."

Because it's him.

나 김민교 선배님 친동생이라고 해도 믿을걸
Even if you say I'm Kim Min Gyo's real brother, you'll believe me.

30분만 자야겠다
I'm going to sleep for 30 minutes.

"3시간 뒤에 뵙겠습니다🐱"
"I'll see you in three hours.🐱"


"Did you get up?"


"굿 모 닝 띵딩딩~ 빠빠빠 빠 빠 빠빠빠빠 굿!모!닝!"
"Good morning, good morning, good morning. Good morning! Mo!Ning!"


레슨이 취소됐어..
The lesson was canceled.

"화장 왜했어..?"
"Why did you put on makeup?"


"더 자~~~"
"Sleep more!"


"낮잠자려고 화장한사람"
"a person with makeup on for a nap"

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

"천상 연예인이다"
"He's born to be a celebrity."


나혼자산다프로그램 하고싶다
I want to do a program where I live alone.

"방송에 먹고 자는 장면만 있는 거 아니에요?"
"Aren't there only scenes where you eat and sleep?"
