2022 10 08 3312
오늘 어땠어?!?
How was your day?!?
"수고했어 와 정말팹에서만 이야기하다가 실물보니까 헉소리나오드라"
"Good job. We've only been talking about Fab, but seeing you in person made me gasp."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ팹은 친구 같다가 실물 보니까 연예인같았어?!?😂
LOL. Did I look like a celebrity in person after being a fashionable friend?😂
"다녀가요 부를 때 다행히도 안 웃더라"
"Fortunately, he didn't laugh when I sang "Go away"."
진짜 꾹 참았어
I really held it in.
생각 났어
I remembered.
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
나 다녀가요때 예뻤어?!?
Was I pretty during "I'm Going"?
"이번에 실물 처음 봤는데 애옹아 진짜.. 너는 보물이야 "
"It's my first time seeing him in person. You're a treasure."
"오늘 이든이도 봤는데 너무 귀여워 "
"I saw EDEN today and he's so cute."
이든이 나보다 더 인기 많은것같은데
I think Eden is more popular than I am.
"진짜 얼마전에 같이 크랩 게임에서 소리지르다가 다녀가요 하는거 보니까 같은 사람인게 안믿기더라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"I couldn't believe that we were the same person when I saw them screaming and going back and forth in the crab game. (Laughs)"
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
아 짱웃겨
It's so funny.
"이든이 말걸고싶었는데 ㅋㅋ 그 유모차 밀고계시는 형님 무서워서 말못걸었어 ㅋㅋ 큰오빤가 ? ㅋㅋ"
"Eden wanted to talk to me lol I couldn't talk to him because I was scared of his brother pushing the stroller lol Is he the big brother? lol"
맞아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Right. (Laughs)
큰오빠가 많이 무섭게 생겼지만 착해..👍
My oldest brother looks very scary but he is nice.👍
진수는 찰스때문에 못왔어 ㅠ
Jinsu couldn't come because of Charles.
내 머리는 어땠어?!?
How was my hair?!?
"확실히 밝은 색 좀 줄이니까 다녀가요랑 잘어울리더라👍👍👍
애옹이 선택이 맞았어"
"Make sure to reduce the brightness.It goes well with you. 👍👍👍
Meow was the right choice was right."
That's right.
오늘 아침 일찍부터 샵가길 👍
Go to the shop early this morning 👍
"깅현진 오늘 다녀가요 복장으로 셀카 오만장 찍었어야함"
"Ging Hyunjin, go today. I should have taken 50,000 selfies in my outfit."
Did I take three?
"3백장을 잘못 말씀하신 거죠?"
"You said the wrong thing about 300 sheets, right?"
내일 많이 찍을겡
I'll film a lot tomorrow.
"돌출 무대에서 다녀가요 부른 건 누구 아이디어였어요??"
"I go on the thrust stage. Whose idea was it to sing it?"
Me! 😍
"오빛들은 잘보여?"
"Orbit, can you see it well?"
아니 잠시만
No, wait a minute.
너무 스포
Too much spoiler.
It's like that.
현진아 아직 끝난거 아냐
Hyunjin, it's not over yet.
내일 콘서트 해야지
We have a concert tomorrow.
"근데 내일도 다녀가요 해...?? 현진이만 두탕이야??"
"But do you still go tomorrow? Is Hyunjin the only one who has a head soup?"
아 ...?
Oh, what?
헐 대박
Oh my god.
나 지금 왜 내일 다녀가요 한다고 알고있지
I know you're saying, "Why am I going tomorrow?"
헐 셀카 어떡해
Oh my! What do I do with my selfies?
나 다녀가요의상 입고 속으로
I'm going to wear my outfit and go inside.
그래 내일 셀카 찍자~
Okay, let's take a selfie tomorrow.
Like this.
"내일 가면 콘서트 시작 전에 의상달라해서ㅜ찍자"
"If we go tomorrow, let's take a picture because they asked for our outfits before the concert starts."
진짜 그래야 할 판
That's the way it should be.
아니 그런데
No, but...
카카오톡 왜 안돼..?
Why isn't Kakao Talk working?
Oh, my.
언제 돼..?
When is it working?
"지금 다음이랑 카카오 관련 있는 앱은 다 못사용해"
"I can't use all apps related to Daum and Kakao right now."
Because it's him.
아니 오늘 새언니가
Today, my step sister...
이든이 인기 엄청 많다고
EDEN is so popular.
I heard so.
사람들이 알아본다고
People recognize you.
"지금 이 댓글놀이 하는 게시물도 이든이 영상인데 우리가 못 알아볼리가"
"EDEN's video is on the comment section. How can we not recognize it?"