2022 09 17 3119

위가 자꾸 아포..
My stomach keeps hurting...


아침부터 계속 아파 ㅠㅠㅠ
I've been sick since this morning.

근데 종종 이래
But I do this sometimes.

공복에 아메리카노 자주 마셔서 그런가??
Is it because I drink Americano often on an empty stomach?

Hing 😭

"내일 위내시경 받아봐유"
"Have a gastroscopy tomorrow."

무서워유 ㅠ
I'm scared.

싫어싫어 ㅠ
I don't want to, I don't want to.

"Maybe it's gastritis."


나 매운거 안먹는뎅 ㅇㅅㅇ..
I don't eat spicy food ㅇㅅㅇ..

"헬리코박터균일수도...? 그거는 며칠 동안 약만 먹으면 낫긴 나아!"
"Maybe Helicobacter pylori...? It's better if you take medicine for a few days!"


역시 오빛
As expected of ORBIT.

I'm a doctor.

I went to the hospital.

위가 아파서 왔어요 하면
If I say, "I'm here because my stomach hurts,"

어떻게 검사해주시지
How do you check it for me?

I'm scared.

내시경 싫어어어어ㅓㅓ
I don't like endoscopes.

"위로 해주시나"
"Will you comfort me?"


"내시경 시켜 병원은 백퍼"
"I want an endoscope. The hospital's 100%."

Oh, my.

I don't want to go.

"안 가고 계속 아플거야?"
"Are you going to stay sick and not to get sick?"

Yes. 😢

"돈까스 사주께 가자 💖"
"Let's go buy pork cutlet 💖"

헐 어렸을때 엄마가 했던 말인데
That's what my mom said when I was young.

I didn't buy it for him.

그래놓고 치과 데려가서
And then I took him to the dentist.


일단 밥 먹어보고
Let's eat first.

배고파서 아픈걸수도 있으니까
I might be sick because I'm hungry.

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

"어느정도 아푼데 1부터 10까지 "
"It hurts a little, but from 1 to 10."


1부터 10까지 왜케 웃겨
Why is it so funny from 1 to 10?

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

"위가 어떻게 아픈데 속쓰려?"
"How can you have heartburn when your stomach hurts?"

누가 꽉 잡아서 비틀어버리는것같아 ㅠㅠ
It's like someone is holding it tight and twisting it.

"꼬막귀신들이 복수하나보다"
"I guess the cockles are taking revenge."


"위경련인 거 같은데? 얼른 병원가"
"I think it's stomach cramps. Go to the hospital."

헐 맞아 그런느낌
That's right. That's how it feels like that.

일단 밥좀 먹구
Let's eat first.

I'm hungry.


밥먹고 다시 보고 할게 오빛
I'll watch it again after I eat. Orbit.

상태 보고
status report


"현진이 나이가 어려서 밥 먹으면 나을거 같긴하다ㅋㅋ"
"HYUNJIN is young. I think I'll get better if I eat.lol"


"얼른쉬어!!! 팹도하지마 밥 열그릇먹어 팍팍먹고 푹쉬어"
"Hurry up and rest! Don't even Fab! Eat ten bowls of rice and rest well."


팹은 못참지 ㅋ
I can't stand fab lol

우리 오빛이 내 가족이고 친구고 의사고 척척박사고 힘인데
Orbit is my family, my friend, my doctor, my strength.


"근데 왜 여기따 보냇어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 새메시지잇는데"
"But why did you send it here? There's a new message."

여기 어디여?
Where are we?

여기 뉴진스님 방이구나
This is NU'EST Jin's room.

이든이 방으로 가자
Let's go to Eden's room.
