2022 09 07 3024
following my heart
following my heart
Didadam didadam dididadam
Didadam didadam dididadam
Let's enjoy it like a party tonight. Burn it without thinking
Let's enjoy it like a party tonight. Burn it without thinking
"현진이는 분위기 메이커예요. 항상 사람들을 밝게 한다."
"Hyunjin is the life of the party. It always brightens people."
Yeah, I know
Yeah, I know
I miss ORBIT no matter how much I see them
I miss ORBIT no matter how much I see them
오빛 즐거운 추석 보내기😊
Orbit Have a Happy Chuseok 😊
"오늘 어땠어요?"
"How was your day?"
오늘은 이동 하는 날 이라서 6시간동안 버스타고 호텔 도착해서 저녁먹고 그러고 지내고 있었지~
Today is a moving day, so I arrived at the hotel by bus for 6 hours and had dinner.
오늘 좋았어
It was good today.
Because I ate sushi. 😊
"현진아 현진아"
"독일 초밥은 어떤맛일까... 궁금하네"
"What does German sushi taste like? I'm curious."
It's the same 😂
"애옹인 아픈곳 없어? 잘지낸다고 말해주는 애옹이지만 걱정이야ㅠㅠ 아프지마 애옹ㅠ"
"Are you not sick, kitty? I'm a kitty who tells me that I'm doing well, but I'm worried. Don't get sick, kitty."
아픈곳은 없어~!
There's no place that hurts!
걱정해줘서 고맙샤🥺
Thank you for worrying about me. 🥺
"보 고 싶 어"
"I miss you."
나 도
Me too.
"언제든 아푸거나 힘들면 말해💛 우린 항상 여기있을거야💛"
"Tell me whenever you feel sick or have a hard time 💛 We'll always be here 💛"
"언니~ 독일은 어떻게 지내요? 뭐 재밌는 거 했어요? 🫶"
"How is Germany doing? Did you do something fun? 🫶"
시간이 많이 없어서 재밌는건 못했네~!!!
I didn't have a lot of time, so I couldn't do anything fun.
"현진아 독일 커리부어스트가 짱맛있대 공연 끝나구 꼭 먹어봐!!"
"Hyunjin, they say German curry boost is really good. Make sure to try it after the concert!"
그게 뭐지?!?
What's that?!?
"수영장 없어?"
"Don't you have a pool?"
"영원히 사랑하샤 💛"
"I love you forever 💛"
😍 Me too 😍
"이번 숙소 조식은 뷔페식이야?"
"Is breakfast buffet style this time?"
아직 안가봐서 모르겠다!!! 내일 가봐야지~
I don't know because I haven't been there yet. I'm going to go tomorrow.
"현진아 음식 함부로 먹지마 독일수도 있어"
"Hyunjin, don't eat recklessly. It could be Germany."
어제 11시간정도 잤어
I slept for about 11 hours last night.
피곤이 쌓였나봐
I guess I'm tired.
아 맞아 동물원도 갔는데
Ah right! I went to the zoo, too.
👍👍👍신기한 동물 많아서 좋았어
👍👍👍 I liked it because there were many interesting animals
고릴라 있었는데
There was a gorilla.
혼자 있고 싶어 하는것같아서 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ 침팬치인가
I think he wants to be alone. Is he a chimpanzee?
프사 봐 ㅜㅜ
Look at the profile picture.
뭔가 생각이 많아보여서
You seem to have a lot on your mind.
마음이 아팠어 ㅠㅠ
It broke my heart.
"나 핸드폰 하는 모습같네"
"It looks like I'm using my phone."
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
"뭔가 전여친 생각하는거 같은데"
"I feel like I'm thinking about my ex-girlfriend."
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
profile picture
비비언니 일어나길 기다리는 나 같애
It's like me waiting for Bibi to wake up.
같이 조식먹으러 가고 싶어서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I want to go eat breakfast with you.
"aeongie 몇 가지 재미있는 질문이 있습니다!
1 - 미국에서 어느 도시가 최고였나요(아무에게도 말하지 않을게요)
2 - 미국에서 가장 좋아하는 음식?
3 - 유럽을 즐기고 있나요?
4 - 투어 어디든 아리아나 그란데 춤을 출 건가요?
5 - 나에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요 🥺💖💖💖"
"aeunie I have some interesting questions!
1 - Which city was the best in America? (I won't tell anyone)
2 - Favorite food in America?
Are you enjoying Europe?
4 - Are you going to dance Ariana Grande anywhere on the tour?
What do you think of me? 🥺💖💖💖"
3 네👍👍👍
4 추고 싶네요 🥹
5 ㅋㅋㅋ귀엽습니다~!
1.(Laughs)I'm not sure.
2. Um... Cheese cake.
3 Yes 👍👍👍
I want to dance to 4. 🥹
He's so cute!
"현진아 호랑이도 봤어???? 저번에 탐탐탐때 호랑이 찍고 고양이라고 했었자낰ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Hyunjin, did you see a tiger? Last time, I said cat after taking a tiger picture."
봤어 호랑..이가 아니라 사자구나
I saw it. It's not a tiger. It's a lion.
사자 봤어!!
I saw a lion!
It was amazing.
I was scared!
그리고 키우고싶어
And I want to raise him.
어렸을때 사자 키우는게 소원이였는데
When I was young, I wanted to raise a lion.
라이언킹 영화 보고
I watched Lion King movies.
라이온킹 영화 짱 좋아해
I love Lion King movies.