2022 09 06 3013


실명 언급을 해버렸네 😂😂😂
I mentioned my real name 😂😂😂

"근데 츄언니도 닉언급하다가 실명언급 한 적 있어ㅋㅋㅋ"
"But Chuu also mentioned her real name while mentioning Nick."


아니 닉네임을 실명으로 해놓는 오빛이 많아
There are a lot of ORBIT who have their nicknames as their real names.



"어차피 내 실명은 불려도 상관없어 푸하하"
"It doesn't matter if my real name is called anyway. Hahaha."

네 선영씨
Yes, Sunyoung.


프사로 주제 바꾸기 하 하 하
Change the topic to profile picture. Hahaha.

"헐 오늘 헤메야??? 미쳐따 미쳐따😍😍😍"
"What? Today's hair and makeup? Crazy, crazy. 😍😍😍"

아니얌 하하하하하ㅏ
No, it's not.

"왜자꾸 지금인척해?ㅡㅡ 또속았네!!"
"Why do you keep pretending to be now?-- I got tricked again!"


헤메 받고 점심도 먹었어
I got my hair and makeup done and had lunch.

우리 오빛은 밥 뭇나?
Orbit, did you eat?

"아니요 오늘한끼도 안먹음"
"No, I didn't eat a single meal today."

얼른 묵나!!!
Hurry up and eat!

"오늘의 헤어스타일은 무엇입니까?"
"What's your hairstyle today?"

Straight hair.

나 제육 볶음이랑 돈까스랑 소고기 묵국 먹었어~
I ate stir-fried spicy pork, pork cutlet, and beef mukguk.

"………?????? 한국이니…???"
"………?????? Are you in Korea?"


Radish soup.

맞춤법 선생님 오빛
Spelling teacher Orbit.

리허설은 3시부터야~
Rehearsal starts at 3pm.
