2022 09 04 2999

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희진: (비몽사몽) 현진: ^^..
Heejin: (Half asleep) Hyunjin: ^^..

눈 풀렸어😴
My eyes are relaxed. 😴

"눈이 풀립댓 "
"Eyes are full lips that."

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

저녁 8시야 38분이야 여기
It's 8pm here. It's 38pm.

일찍 자서 그런지
Maybe it's because I slept early.

일찍 깨서
I woke up early.

반신욕 했어
I took a lower-body bath.

오늘 일정은 없어~
I don't have any plans today.

"반식욕 뭐예여..?? "
"What's that?"

욕조에 뜨거운 물을 담고 몸도 담그는 거
Putting hot water in the bathtub and dipping your body.

a half-eating bath lol

I'm hungry.

조식 먹어야지 😍
I have to eat breakfast 😍

비비언니가 과연 일어날까
Will ViVi wake up?


It's good!

세접시 먹었어
I had three dishes.

너무 배불러
I'm so full.

조식 뷔페인데
It's a breakfast buffet.

맛있는거 먹으면 우리 오빛 보여줘야지 하고 생각나고 좋은 뷰를 보면 우리 오빛도 보여줘야지라는 생각이 들고

When I eat something delicious, I think about showing ORBIT. When I see a good view, I think ORBIT should show it too.


This much?


나 취해~
I'm drunk.

모히또 마시는 중~!
Drinking mojito!

스테이크랑 새우파스타 먹었어~
I ate steak and shrimp pasta.

I'm full


오늘 1만5천보 걸었어 지금까지
I walked 15,000 steps so far.

쇼핑몰 많아서 쇼핑을 하루 종일 했어 ㅋㅋㅋ
I went shopping all day because there were a lot of shopping malls.

"진짜 눈이 풀립댓 댓댓댓댓댓 "
"My eyes are full-lipped, commenting, commenting."


"언니 눈 이상해요"
"Your eyes are weird."


술 못마셔서..
I can't drink.

얼굴 무거워 ㅠㅠㅜ
My face is heavy.

"얘 취했다 ㅋㅋ <-- 이런소리 자주 들었겠다"
"He's drunk. <-- You must have heard this a lot."

그니까 내가 제일 싫어하는 소리야 나 안취해ㅛ는데
That's what I hate the most. I'm not drunk.

그냥 단지 얼굴이 무거울뿐아야
It's just that my face is heavy.

"현진 씨는 하루에 가장 많은 걸음을 내딛은 기록이 어떻게 되나요?"
"HYUNJIN, what's your record for taking the most steps in a day?"


아 오빛 내가 초콜렛 추천 해줄겡
Oh, ORBIT. I'll recommend you chocolate.

나는 화이트초콜렛 더 좋아
I like white chocolate more.

왜냐하면 더 달아😍
Because it's sweeter 😍

"밀카는 버블리가 찐이지 ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ"
"Bubbly is the best. -----ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ"

그게 뭐야
What's that?

"저거 한국에도 팔어?"
"Do they sell that in Korea, too?"


*"'왜냐하면 더 달아😍'

Cute 😁"
""Because it's sweeter😍"

Cute 😁"*

😂😂😂😂 내가 말하는거 다 귀엽구나?
😂😂😂😂 Everything I say is cute, isn't it?

"둘 다 너무 귀여워요~~ ㅠㅠ"
"They're both so cute.~~ [Crying"


"현진이는 삐행이랑 젤 친해보여"
"HYUNJIN looks the closest to Bbihaeng."

삐행 내 동생이거든
Beep. He's my brother.

우리 엄마 딸이야
She's my mom's daughter.


아 뭐야 새 게시물 올라왔어??
What is this? A new post came up?