2022 08 25 2891


🌟수영 많이 해서 어깨 넓어져서 오겠다
🌟 I'll swim a lot, so my shoulders will get wider.

좋아 어깨 넓은 현진이 어때
Good. HYUNJIN with broad shoulders. What do you think?


다 안아줄겡
I'll hug you all.


립언니 긴장해~ 내가 언니보다 어깨 넓어질거야~
Lip unni, be nervous. My shoulders are going to be wider than yours.

🌟언닝 지금 구독자 몇 명이에여?
🌟 Unning, how many subscribers do you have now?

I won't tell you.

궁금하지~ 못참겠지~
You're curious, right? You can't hold it in.

터키 터키~
Turkey, Turkey.

🌟구독자 수를 알려주지 않는다면 구독버튼을 한번 더 누르겠다!!
🌟If you don't tell me the number of subscribers, I'll press the subscription button again!

45335명 입니다.
There are 45335 people.


바로 알려주기 ㅋㅋㅋ
Let me know right away.

이제 공연장 곧 도착~! 예쁘게 화장 하고 와야지~
We'll arrive at the concert hall soon! I'm going to put on pretty makeup.

I love you! 😍💖

문득 든 생각인데
It just came to my mind.

한국갔는데 데이터 폭탄 맞으면 어떡해?
What if I get a data bomb in Korea?

로밍을 안해도 해외 나가면 데이터 써지나?
Do you use data when you go abroad even if you don't do roaming?

로밍 안하구
I don't do roaming.

유심칩으로 쓰고 있눈뎅
I'm using it as a USIM chip.

🌟선불 유심 쓰는 거면 괜찮지 않을까???
🌟 Wouldn't it be okay if you were using prepaid USIM?

그렇지~ 괜찮을거야~
That's right. It'll be okay.

🌟언니, 당신은 연예인이에요. 당신이 방문하는 나라마다 새 핸드폰을 사세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
🌟 Sister, you are a celebrity. Buy a new cell phone in every country you visit. LOL

진수: 사치야
Jinsu: It's a luxury.

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)


아 근데 한국 문자가 안와
But I can't get a Korean text message.

아 번호가 미국번호라 그렇구나
Oh, it's because it's an American number.

하지만 나는 핸드폰에 한국 유심칩도 같이 꼈는 걸?
But I also have a Korean USIM chip on my phone.

It's complicated.

🌟복잡할땐 그냥 눈 감고 요금폭탄을 맞아보도록 하자
🌟 If it's complicated, just close your eyes and get a charge bomb.


🌟근데 그러다 진짜 몇백만원 나오면 어떡해..?
🌟 But what if I really get a few million won?

그러면 모 회사한테 말해야지
Then you should tell your company.


법인카드 찬스 쓰게 해주십쇼
Please let me use the company credit card chance.

🌟팹하다 그런거니까 팹아저씨도 엔빵할 준비하세요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😂😂
🌟 Since it's called fab, Mr. fab, be ready to be en-bbang.(Laughs) 😂😂

(Laughs) (Laughs)

Fapa, it's cheese.

프사 점심에 내가 먹은거!
What I ate for lunch on my profile picture!

🌟시차 때문에 언니 점심 사진 보면 배고파서 잠 못잠😂😂
🌟 Because of the time difference, I can't sleep because I'm hungry when I see your lunch picture 😂😂


당장 내려
Get off now.



아 핸드폰 게임 다운 받아야지
I'm going to download the cell phone game.

요새 단어 맞추는거 많이 하던데 멤버들
The members have been doing a lot of guessing words these days.

워드타워 게임 다운받았어👍
I downloaded the Word Tower game 👍