2022 08 23 2856

탑건에 나올것같은
It looks like it's going to be in the top gun.



It's so funny.

명언이다 진짜
That's a wise saying.

취미가 사치다
have a luxury of taste



진수랑 예능 찍고싶당
I want to film a variety show with Jinsu.

이모티콘 킹받아
Get the emoticon king.

짜장면 안 먹은 지 한 달이 넘었네
It's been over a month since I had jajangmyeon.

프사 퇴근하고 나잖아?
It's after I get off work, right?

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

나 진짜 좀 고양이랑 닮았네
I really look like a cat.

🌟고양이가 언니를 닮은건듯.. 이정도면
🌟 I think the cat looks like my sister. If it's this much...



해보고 싶은건 해봐야지
You have to do what you want to do.

바닥에 눕고 싶으면 누워봐야지
If you want to lie on the floor, you should lie down.

LOL. Hehe

자유로워 보이지 않아?
Doesn't it look free?

행복은 내가 찾는다🌟
I find happiness 🌟

안와도 돼 나한테 내가 찾을거니까🌟
You don't have to come because I'm going to find you 🌟

어때 멋있는데
What do you think? It's cool.


I woke up🫠

🌟프사보니 곧 조식먹으러 가겠군
🌟 I think I'll go eat breakfast soon.

왜 날 잘 아는거야
Why do you know me so well?

어떻게 이렇게 나를 잘 알아
How do you know me so well?


🌟널 사랑하니까
🌟 Because I love you


조식먹을 시간은 끝났구 점심 먹어야해~
Breakfast time is over and I have to eat lunch.

아직 뭐먹을지 몰라😹
I don't know what I'm going to eat yet. 😹

오늘 조금 스케줄 헬이야
Today's schedule is like hell.

오늘 스케줄 끝나고 이동해야해서
I have to move after work today.

바로 ..

버스에서 기절해야지🫠
I'm gonna pass out on the bus.

오늘 푹 잔 것 같아 얼굴 부은거 보니 👍
I think I slept well today, seeing my face swollen 👍

🌟아침먹으면 부은거 빠질듯~
🌟 I'll lose my swollen face if I eat breakfast~

😂😂😂커피한잔 하러 가야지
😂😂😂 I'm going to have a cup of coffee.

나는 빈속에 커피 마시는 걸 좋아해 하지만 그러면 위가 안좋아 지지만..
I like to drink coffee on an empty stomach, but that will make my stomach sick.

호텔에서 파는 커피 마시러 갑니다~!
I'm going to drink coffee sold at the hotel!

🌟위:아 또시작이네
🌟 WI: Here we go again.

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

오빛 오늘 점심 완전 성공
ORBIT's lunch was a total success.

랍스타 샌드위치 같은거 먹었는데
We had lobster sandwiches.

It's good.


이따가 사진 보여줄게에
I'll show you the picture later.