2022 08 10 2690

핸드폰이 없던 시절에
When I didn't have a cell phone,

어떻게 핸드폰을 만들생각응
How can I make a cell phone?

Oh, my.

생각해 보면 다 신기해
When I think about it, it's all fascinating.

나는 이제 돈이 없어질것같아 미래에
I think I will lose money in the future.

I guess so.

I don't use cash.

🌟난 지금도 없는데
🌟 I still don't have it

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)


그리고 나중에는 뭔가 사람 몸에 칩을
And later on, it's going to be like a chip on a human body.

Put it in.

가게에 들어가면 인식이 되고 자동결제
When you enter the store, it's recognized and you pay automatically.

썬칩 누구냐
Who said Sun Chip?


나 제발 그런 기술 나왔으면
I wish I had that kind of skill.

인이어팩이랑 마이크팩 안차고
I didn't wear in-ear packs and microphone packs.

무선으로 블루투스 ㅠㅠ
Bluetooth wirelessly ㅠㅠ블루투스

소원이야 ㅠ
It's my wish.

그 두개 차고나면 엉덩이 좀 무거워 ㅠ
When I wear those two, my butt is a bit heavy.

어쩔때는 떨어지기도하고 달랑거려서
Sometimes, it falls and dangles.

너~~~무 불펺
You're burning up!

the sun

🌟그거는 왜 아직 무선으로 안될까요 다른 건 다 무선인뎁
🌟 Why isn't it wireless yet? Everything else is wireless.

I'm telling me!


🌟언제까지 아이돌 할꺼야? 백년만년 우리랑같이 가자💖
🌟 Until when are you going to be an idol? Let's go together forever. 💖

역질문 언제까지 오빛 해줄건데?!?백년만년 오빛 해주라
Back question. How long are you going to do ORBIT?Orbit for 100 million years.

🌟현진아 그럼 우리 같이 2100년 보겠다💛
🌟 Hyunjin, then we'll see each other in 2100 years.💛

You have to be healthy.

🌟환갑잔치 미니팬미팅도 갈테니 그때까지 활동만 해줘 ㅋㅋ
🌟I'll go to the mini fan meeting for the 60th birthday party, so just keep active until then lol.

Are you serious?

🌟환갑팬미팅 가야지🔥🔥
🌟Let's go to the 60th birthday fan meeting. 🔥🔥

환갑팬미팅 정말 하나???
Are you really doing a 60th birthday fan meeting?

🌟환갑팬미팅때는 무선인이어팩 마이크팩 차고 있겠는데
🌟 I will be wearing a wireless in-ear pack and microphone pack at the 60th birthday fan meeting.

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

🌟환갑팬미팅에서 단체로 나이를 플립댓! 하면 재밌겠다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🌟 Flip that age as a group at the 60th birthday fan meeting! It would be fun.(Laughs)

아니지 소왓으로 해야지 환갑 소왓?
No, you have to say "so-wat". 60th birthday. So-wat?


🌟쏘왓! (우드득)
🌟 So what! (Thud)


나 근데 환갑 돼도 얼굴 크게 안 변할 것 같아 느낌이
But I don't think my face will change that much even when I turn 60.

🌟현진이 평생 예쁠꺼라 그때 가장 예쁜 환갑으로 소문날껄
🌟 Hyunjin will be pretty forever, and he will be known as the prettiest 60th birthday then.


헐 나 그거 생각났다 해파리는 영생이래요
Oh, I thought of this. Jellyfish are eternal.

🌟LOONA = jellyfish??😍
🌟LOONA = jellyfish??😍


🌟wow😍orbit = jellyfish
🌟wow😍orbit = jellyfish

