2022 08 04 2582

의상이랑 어울리게 머리 바꾸는거 어려워~!
It's hard to change your hair to match your outfit.

반묶음 하게!
Do a half-up ponytail!


근데 오빛 나 방금 든 생각이
But ORBIT... I just thought of this.

투어 재밌는데..?
The tour is fun.

I'm so happy.

🌟:큰일낫다 그녀가 즐기고잇다...
🌟: Oh, my God. She's having fun.


즐기는 자가 무서운법
It's scary to have fun.

오늘도 한번 즐겨보겠습니다.
I'll enjoy it today as well.

나는 솔직히 힘들줄 알았는데
Honestly, I thought it would be hard.

생각보다 잘시간도 있고
There's more time to sleep than you think.

딱 그거 같아
It's just like that.

굵고 짧아서
It's thick and short.

나는 오히려 그런 스케줄이 더 몸에 맞는듯!
I think that kind of schedule suits me better!

콘서트 빡!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The concert!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


반묶음 😍
Half up 😍

🌟프사 먼가..먼가 목소리활동할때같다
🌟 Is it a profile picture?It's like when I'm doing voice activities.

오 그러네!
Oh, you're right!

아맞다 나 새끼발톱 빠졌다
Oh, right. My little toenail fell out.


구두신고 춤춰서
I danced with my shoes on.

네일이 떨어진거같애
I think I'm out of my nails.

발톱은 살아있숴
Your toenails are alive.




방금 도넛 먹었는데 짱맛있어 역시 미국은 도넛👍
I just ate a donut and it's so delicious. As expected, donuts in America 👍

전희진 습관 : 멘트하고 나서 "네" 꼭 붙힘
Jeon Hee-jin's habit: "Yes" after saying a comment.

희진: 이래서 그런것아요 네
Hee-jin: That's why it's like that. Yes.


오늘도 콘서트 불태웠다..
I burned up the concert again today.


후 오렘지 게임.. 어떻게 받아야 하나 고민하다가
Hoo-rem-ji game... I was thinking about how to get it.

시원하게 한번 굴렀지
I rolled around once.

🌟현진아… 콘서트를 하니까 무대를 풍차로 돌려버리면 어떡해…
🌟Hyunjin… How can you turn the stage into a windmill because you're doing a concert…


아 오빛이 말하는건 이제 🌟 이모지를 붙히고 쓸게욤!
Oh, what Orbit is saying is that I'll put on the 🌟 emoji and use it!

🌟무대를 뒤집는것도 모자라서 스스로 플립댓해버린 현진이...
🌟 Hyunjin flipped the stage on his own because it wasn't enough to turn the stage upside down...

헐 잠만 우영우
Woo Young Woo. Hold on.

Because it's the morning.

half asleep 😴

