2022 08 01 2506

Oh my god.

나 너무 아쉬워
I'm so sad.

이대로 콘서트 못끝내 ㅠㅠㅠ
I can't finish the concert like this.

공연장 열기가 대박🔥🔥
The heat in the concert hall is amazing 🔥🔥

반응 진짜 뜨거워서 나 익을뻔
The reaction was so hot that I almost cooked it.

오늘 무대하는중에 인이어팩이 빠져서..🥲
My in-ear pack fell off during the performance today...🥲

그리고 버터플라이 무대 하는데 백스테이지에서 갑자기 나오라고해서 "(입모양으로) 지금이요?" 이랬는데 아니라고 무대 끝나고 나오라고 해서 그거때문에 정신이 없어서 안무 틀렸어..
And during the Butterfly performance, they told me to come out from the backstage, so I said, "Now? (With my mouth)" I said no, but he told me to come out after the performance. I got the choreography wrong because I was out of my mind because of course.

여기서 눈물이 왈칵
Tears welled up here.

오늘 첫날에 온갖 사고는 다 겪은 것 같아 😂😂😂😂
I think I went through all kinds of accidents on the first day today 😂😂😂😂

진짜 해외 첫공연이라 완벽한 모습 보여주고싶었는데
I wanted to show you a perfect performance since it's my first overseas concert.


인투디언논도 제대로 못질렀어
I couldn't even play the intudionon properly.

내일 각오해
Be prepared for tomorrow.

콘서트장 부신다🔥🔥🔥
He's breaking down the concert hall. 🔥🔥🔥

내일 또 공연이라 얼른 쉬어볼게요🔥🔥
I have another concert tomorrow, so I'll hurry up and rest.🔥🔥

오늘도 어김없이 응원해준 오빛 사랑하고 고마워💖
ORBIT, I love you and thank you for supporting me today as well. 💖

I love you 💛💛💛💛

Bye! 😍💖

오빛 사랑해😍
ORBIT, I love you 😍

오늘도 파이팅😍
Fighting today too 😍

오늘 뭔가 예감이 좋아👍
I have a good feeling about today. 👍

아직까지는 체력 괜찮은것같아
I think my stamina is good so far.


그리고 어제 공연해서 그런지 더 기대돼 앞으로 또 다양한 오빛 만날생각하니까
And I'm looking forward to seeing ORBIT in the future.

얼마나 더 응원을 받고 사랑을 받을지 🤤
How much more you will be supported and loved 🤤

스타벅스 아아 마셔야지~!
Starbucks, I'm going to drink iced Americano!

미국 커피빈 맛있다?
The American coffee bean is good.

미국 아이스 아메리카노가 더 맛있어요
Iced Americano in the US is better.

제 스타일
It's my style.

산미 없고
It's not sour.


나는 꼭
I will definitely...

팬케익 먹어볼거야
I'm going to try pancakes.



생각만해도 맛있어
It's delicious just thinking about it.

Let's just think about it.

나지금 몸이 너무 부은 느낌
I feel like my body is so swollen.

오빛:몸입 부은걸로 보아 그녀는 또 수영을 했나봅니다
ORBIT: Judging from her swollen mouth, she must have swam again.

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

It's not!!

어제 진짜 더워서 대박
It was so hot yesterday. Amazing.

열기가 장난 아니였어 생각해보니까
The heat was no joke, come to think of it.

그리고 호응할때
And when you cheer,

Orbit in the U.S.

소리가 달라
The sound is different.

우! 우! 우! 우!
Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!

That's why...

신기하기도 하고 당황도 좀 했는데
It was fascinating and I was a bit flustered.

금방 적응해서 나도 어느순간 따라하고 있음
I got used to it so quickly that I'm copying it at some point.