2022 03 27 566
He did it.
실장님 다급한 목소리가 들리는
I can hear the manager's urgent voice.
실장님 짱 착하셔유
He's so nice.
그런 실장님을 괴롭히는 이유는
The reason I'm bothering him is because...
톡한번 더 하고싶어서
I wanted to text you one more time.
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
웅웅 팬마케팅팀 실장님
Manager of the fan marketing team.
저는 근데 진짜 직원분들이랑 노는게 재밌어요 다들 저를 잘 받아주시거든요..
But it's really fun to play with the staff because they all accept me well.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ멤버들은 이제뭐 제가 어떤 행동을 하던~ 익숙해져서 반응도 없는데
(Laughs)The members... No matter what I do... I got used to it, so there's no response.
회사분들은 막 박수도 쳐주시고~ 웃어주시고~
Our company staff clapped for us and laughed for us.
오빛들도 반응 잘해주셔서
ORBIT responded well.
너무 죠아요
I like it so much.
Reaction! Yes!
ヾ(`ε´)ノ 야 4기 사진 빼!
ヾ(`ε´)ノ Hey, take out the 4th generation photo!
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
저 진짜 이 직업 안했으면 뭐했을까요
What would I have done if I didn't have this job?
붕어빵장사 좋다
Bungeoppang business sounds good.
아니 장사가 안돼
No, I can't do business.
내가 만들면 먹고~
If I make it, I'll eat it.
만들면 또먹고~
If I make it, I'll eat it again.
뜨거울때 먹어야 제맛이라며 또먹고~
You said it's best to eat it when it's hot, so you eat again.
팥붕만 팔아야지
I'm only going to sell red bean paste stew.
원조는 팥붕
The original is red bean filling.
원조가 제일 맛나
The original tastes the best.
슈붕 찾으러 오시는 분들 있으면
If you're coming to find Chubung,
문앞에 대문짝만하게 써놔야지
I'm going to write a big door in front of the door.
<팥붕만 팔아요>
I only sell red bean paste.>
붕어빵은 꼬리가 제일 맛있지
The tail is the best for bungeoppang.
It's crispy.
나 너무 맛잘알 ㅠ
I know the taste so well.
근데 저는 머리부터 먹어요
But I eat the head first.
그 어쨌는 먹을때 붕어 몸통 잡고 먹자나요
When I eat it, I grab the body of a fish and eat it.
그래서 머리부터 먹어요
So I eat the head first.
꼬리먼저 먹기엔 너무 아까워
It's such a waste to eat the tail first.
Because it's delicious.
하 밥 뭐먹지!
What should I eat?
오늘 먹은거
What I ate today.
Stevia Vanto
Matdongsan Mountain
콩나물국밥 먹을까
Should I eat bean sprout and rice soup?
오징어사리 추가해서
I'll add squid.
돈까스는 내돈주고 사먹기 그런 음식
Pork cutlet is a food that I buy with my own food.
😍좋아 결정~
😍 Good. Decide~
콩나물국밥 오징어사리 추가
Bean sprout and rice soup with squid.
오빛들도 굳밥
ORBIT, you should eat well, too.