2022 03 18 465

앞머리 숨겼지! 여권사진은 눈썹 가리면 안됀데용
I hid my bangs! You can't cover your eyebrows with passport photos.

I can't.

It doesn't work.

아 저렇게
Oh, like that.

크게 뽑아주신거는
The big one...

사장님이 기념사진으로
As a commemorative photo,

서비스로 뽑아주신거예욤
It's for free.

저번에 민증사진찍은거 사인해서 사장님 드렸는데
I signed the ID photo I took and gave it to the owner.

그거 안보이길래 어디갔냐궁 했는뎅
I couldn't see it, so I was wondering where it was.

사장님"아 그거~ 내 아들이 가져갔나~?ㅎ"
"Did my son take it?""H"

. へ(^o^)へ 허잇짜!   |へ   /

<( ^o^)/ 요잇짜!   /  >

(/^o^)/ 호잇짜!  <  \

댄스댄스! ! !  <( ^o^)>   三)  )三   < ̄ ̄>

. (^o^) へへ Whoops!   |へ   /

<(^o^)/ Yo-it-jja!   /  >

(/^o^)/ Yay!  <  \

Dance, dance!  <( ^o^)>   三)  )三   < ̄ ̄>

있다 저녁에 댄스댄스 하러가지
I'm going to dance in the evening.


