2022 03 08 368

아니 외빛이
No, the only light.

Don't worry.


왜그러냐고 무슨일이냐고
What's wrong? What's going on?


눈물 셀카 드립인가
Is it a crying selfie joke?


이해 못하셔서
They don't understand.

외빛분들께. 안녕하세요 해외 오빛분들 방금 올린 눈물 셀카는 조크입니다🌟
To the only light. Hello, overseas ORBITs. The crying selfie that I just uploaded... It's a joke. 🌟

The picture I just uploaded is a concept picture. Don't worry.😂
The picture I just uploaded is a concept picture. Don't worry.😂

파파고 번역이야 영어 잘한다고 칭찬하지 마세요 부끄러우니까
Papago It's a translation. Don't compliment me for being good at English. Because I'm embarrassed.


찰스영상이나 봐야지
I'm just gonna watch Charles' video.

봐도 봐도 내가 봐도 재밌어
It's fun no matter how I look at it.


배꼽피어싱하는 유튜브 봤어
I saw you doing belly button piercing on YouTube.

It must hurt.

문득 순간 배꼽피어싱 어떨까 하는 생각..
Suddenly, I thought about how to pierce my belly button.

배꼽피어싱영상부터 시작해서 타투까지
From belly button piercing videos to tattoos,


오빛들 타투 있나??
Orbit, do you have tattoos?

배꼽피어싱+코피어싱현진이 vs 팔다리에 엄청 큰 잉어 타투있는 현진이
Belly button piercing nose piercing HYUNJIN vs. big carp tattooed HYUNJIN.

오빛들 많이 괴로워하네
ORBIT are suffering a lot.

하지만 전 할생각 1도 없으니 걱정마세요👍
But don't worry, I'm not gonna do it.👍

타투는 엄마한테 등짝스매싱
Tattoo... Smash your back to your mom.

I got hit.

하면 안돼
You can't do it.

아니 나는 여진이 타투한게 좀 충격적이야
No, I'm shocked that YeoJin got a tattoo.

애기같은데 타투있어..
He looks like a baby, but he has a tattoo.

여진이 손가락에 타투 맞죠?
It's a tattoo on YeoJin's finger, right?


Oh, my.

바바야가님이 저보고 도라에몽 타투 하래요
ID Babayaga asked me to get a Doraemon tattoo.