2022 03 02 287

근데 여기서
But here...

다시 원래 평소처럼 먹는다면?
If you eat it like you normally do you?

살이 찌겠지요?
I'll gain weight, right?

맞습니다 요요 현상
That's right. The yo-yo phenomenon.

요요현상은 원래 몸무게보다 더 찔 수있는
You can gain more weight than your original weight.

그런 현상이지요
It's that kind of phenomenon.

그래서!!!! 다이어트는!!!!!!
So!! Dieting is!!!!

식단은 최대한 평소처럼 하고 !!
Eat as usual as you can!

운동을 해야합니다!!!
You need to exercise!!!

간식만 줄여도
Even if I cut down on snacks,

살은 빠집니다
You lose weight.

운동이 싫다구요???
You don't like exercising?

그럼 다이어트 마음이 없는겁니다!!
Then you don't want to lose weight!

살빼지 마세요!!
Don't lose weight!!

운동 할 시간이 없다는 분?!?!?
Who doesn't have time to work out?!?!?

하루 24시간중에
out of 24 hours a day

30분도 투자 못하십네까?!?!?
You can't even invest 30 minutes?!?!?

아 저는 살 어떻게 뺐냐구 물어보는 오빛이 있는뎅
There's an ORBIT asking how I lost weight.

저는 폭식을 고쳤어요
I fixed my binge eating.

제가 스트레스성 폭식이 있어서
I eat too much because I'm stressed out.

한때 엄청
At one time, it was really...

먹었죠 ㅠㅠ
I ate it.

그거 알아요 ?
You know what?

그 살이쪄서 스트레스받아서
I gained weight and got stressed out.

다시 먹는거
Eating again.


그럼또 먹어서 스트레스받아서
Then I get stressed out because I ate again.

Eating again.

a dilemma

그때 정말 우울했는데
I was really depressed then.


맞아요 하지만 이겨냈죠👍👍
Yes, but I overcame it.👍👍

애흥이 대단해👍
That's a lot of excitement 👍

오빛들도 대단해👍
ORBITs are amazing, too. 👍

ㅋㅋㅋ 내오빛🌟

오빛이 곁에 항상 있어주어서
ORBIT is always by my side.

내가 이렇게 성공해찌👍
I succeeded like this 👍

오케이 내가 한턱 쏴야지
Okay, I'll treat you.

🔫 Bbangya 🔫 Bbangya

💖🔫 Bbangya

하트 총알 받아랏
Take the heart bullet.

ㅋㅋㅋ 히히
LOL. Hehe.

사랑하샤 😍
I love you 😍

항상 고맙샤💖😍
Thank you always💖😍


닉네임 브릭님 : 지금 자고싶어서 각잡네 또
Nickname Brick: I want to sleep now, so I'm determined.

That's right.

That's correct.

오빛 그럼 브이앱에서 봐요~😴
Orbit, see you on V LIVE~😴

😍💖 Bbyong 😍💖