2022 02 16 145
히히 이제 슬슬 나갈준비 해야게따 😂😍
Hehe I should get ready to go out now 😂😍
흥빛 이따바😍💖
Excitement later😍💖
Bye! 💖
아 지금 네일 제거하러 가는중 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Oh I'm on my way to get my nails done ‿༎ຶຶ༎
손톱이 너무 길어서 콘서트때 많이 긁히더라구요
My nails are so long that I get scratched a lot during the concert.
손가락이랑 손목 긁혔는데 심하게 다친거 아니니까 걱정마욤😂😍
I scratched my finger and wrist, but I didn't get hurt badly, so don't worry. 😂😍
오늘 현진이 계획
HYUNJIN's plan for today.
1 네일 제거 2 다이소 쇼핑 3 숙소에서 비비언니랑 매니저언니랑 셋이서 밥 파티🌟
1 nail removal 2 Daiso shopping 3 at the dorm, Bibi and manager, three of us, have a meal party 🌟
허니콤보 시켜따아😂
I ordered Honey Combo. 😂
아 엽떳
Oh, it's weird.
I'll make you do it.
좋은 아침😍
Good morning 😍
오늘 점메추는 갈비탕😍
Today's lunch menu recommendation is galbitang😍
저는 갈비탕 먹을거예욤 돼지 갈비랑💖
I'm going to have short rib soup with pork ribs. 💖
점심 맘마 먹으러 고고싱💖
Let's go eat lunch! 💖
애흥이 먹고 자고 먹고 자고 이제 곧 연습실 갈 쥰비😂
Aheung eats, sleeps, eats, sleeps, and soon goes to the practice room. 😂
Good night.
먹고자고 해서 속이 더부룩하네
I feel bloated because I said let's eat and sleep.
오빛은 밥 먹었나?
Orbit, did you eat?
나 손톱 잘라서 타자 오타가 많이 나..그래서 좀 속도가 느려요
I cut my nails and type a lot of typos.So it's a bit slow.
🐌...wait....🐌...I'll pass by...🐌...really...🐌 I'm sorry...🐌...pass...🐌...go...🐌...face...🐌...no...🐌...ddu-du...🐌...🐌...bread...🐌...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌🐌...stop...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop..........stop..........stop...stop...송................게...stop...stop...stop.........stop.........stop...stop...............죄...stop...........
Ahem. 😂
오늘 추천 노래는~
Today's song recommendation is...
good in bed 두아리파🌟
Good in bed Dua Lipa 🌟
또 하나 추천
Another recommendation.
아뤼언니 motive
Areu unnie motive
마틴-sriracha 👍
Martin-sriracha 👍
neiked-better days 👍
neiked-better days 👍
오빛들 빵댕이는 애흥이가 책임진다👍
ORBIT's bang-bang-daeng-ee will take responsibility.👍
지금 애흥이 출근중~
Aheung is going to work right now.
전 이제 회사 도착해서 연습하러 갈게욥💖
I'm going to go practice after arriving at the company. 💖
이제 퇴근😂
I'm going home now
오빛 내 자존감 지킴이 ㅠㅠ
Orbit, you protect my self-esteem.
오늘 춤췄는데 내가 너무 못추나 생각 자꾸 드는데
I danced today and I keep thinking if I'm not good at it.
어떻게 해야 하지..
What am I supposed to do?
어떻게 하면 더 내가 나아질까 매번 생각에 잠긴다😭
I always think about how to improve myself 😭
그래도 오빛! 내가 못하는건 정확하게 말해주기💖
But Orbit! Tell me exactly what I'm not good at💖
오빛은 내 선생님😍
Orbit is my teacher 😍
역시 흥빛 쵝오😍👍
As expected, the most exciting. 😍👍
항상 고맙구 응원해줘서 진짜 🥺🥺 내가 더 그만큼 열심히 해야지
Thank you always and support me. 🥺🥺 I'll work harder.
힣 행복하다 힘들때 이렇게 흥빛이 바로 옆에 있으니까😍
When I'm happy and having a hard time, the light of excitement is right next to me. 😍
팹 좋네😂😂😂
Fab is nice. 😂😂😂
히히 오빛도 오늘 고생했고 😍😍😍💖 사랑하샤💖💖
Hehe Orbit worked hard today 😍😍😍💖 I love you 💖💖
오빛 좋은 밤 되샤💖😍
Orbit, have a good night💖😍