2022 02 14 129
부적절한 언어
inappropriate language
로 나와서
It came out as...
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
팹 눈치좀😒
Fab, look around. 😒
Jjapak (spicy seafood noodles)
옛날에는 라면 최대 두개에 밥까지 말아먹은적 있는데
In the past, I used to eat up to two ramen noodles with rice.
요새는 위가 줄어서 라면 한개에 밥 진짜 조금만 말아먹어도
These days, my stomach shrinks, so even if I eat just a little bit of rice with one ramen,
on a full stomach
햄최몇 물어보는 오빛
Orbit asks about ham.
날 대체 어떻게 생각하는고야😋
What the hell do you think of me? 😋
저는 라면중에 너구리가 제일 좋아요😍
My favorite ramen is Neoguri.😍
엄마가 너구리 제일 좋아하셔서 그런가봐요😂
Maybe it's because my mom likes Neoguri the most. 😂
그거 웃겼는데 비비언니가
That was funny. ViVi...
대체 왜 라면국물에 밥말아먹는지 이해 안된다구
I don't understand why you put rice in ramen soup.District
아 오빛 개인답장 받으면 이제 표시 떠요 ?
Oh, if I get ORBIT's individual reply, it shows up now?
아 아이폰만 안뜨는구나
Ah, only the iPhone doesn't work.
아니근데 z플립
No, but z-flip.
쓰는 오빛
Use Orbit
어때여 ?
What do you think?
🐌...wait....🐌...I'll pass by...🐌...really...🐌 I'm sorry...🐌...pass...🐌...go...🐌...face...🐌...no...🐌...ddu-du...🐌...🐌...bread...🐌...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌🐌...stop...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop..........stop..........stop...stop...송................게...stop...stop...stop.........stop.........stop...stop...............죄...stop...........
근데 나는 지금 쓰고있는 핸드폰
But the cell phone I'm using right now...
색깔이 예뻐서
The color is pretty.
텍대 이거 ㅈㅅㅁ 쓰면 나오는거
TR University. The one that comes out if you write "J" and "M".
🐌...wait....🐌...I'll pass by...🐌...really...🐌 I'm sorry...🐌...pass...🐌...go...🐌...face...🐌...no...🐌...ddu-du...🐌...🐌...bread...🐌...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌🐌...stop...stop...stop...🐌...stop...stop...🐌...stop...🐌...stop..........stop..........stop...stop...송................게...stop...stop...stop.........stop.........stop...stop...............죄...stop...........
Hold on.
하 일단 흥빛 저 야식 먹고옵니다😀
First of all, I'm going to eat a late night snack.😀
Bye! 😍
진미채김밥 먹고 회사가는중😀
I'm on my way to work after eating dried squid kimbap 😀
한줄먹었어 진짜야
I ate a line. I'm serious.
Believe me.
I'm full.
회사가서 아아 먹어야지 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to eat iced Americano at work.
흥빛도 언눙 밥먹어욤😀
Heungbit is also eating 😀
얼굴씻었냐는 질문한 오빛 나와주세요
Orbit, who asked if you washed your face. Please come out.
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
있다가 저녁에는 요거트 먹어야겠다
I'm going to eat yogurt for dinner.
그릭 요걸
This is Greek.
오빛 내가 다이어트 시작하면 말해줄겡
Orbit, I'll tell you when I start dieting.
아 그리고 저는 그냥 플레인 그릭요거트 좋아합니다만😍
And I just like plain Greek yogurt.ten thousand 😍
나 지금 일단 질문방 가봐야지😍 댓글달아주러💖
I'm going to go to the questionnaire 💖 To leave comments 😍