2022 11 24 3821
모니터 보니까 하.. 좀 아닌거야
Looking at the monitor... It's not right.
그 때 거의 첫번째 순서로 찍었었는데
I was the first one to film it.
그래서 대기실 가서 엄청 고민하다가
So I thought a lot about it in the waiting room.
피디님한테 진짜 죄송한데 다시한번만 찍어도 되냐고 하고
I'm really sorry, but I asked the producer if I could take it again.
렌즈끼고 마지막에 다시 찍었엌ㅋ
I wore contact lenses and took it again at the end.
그래서 비주얼캠 두가지 버전이 존재하지요…
So there are two versions of the visual cam…
잉 빨리 활동하고 싶다 ~ 무대 하고 싶어
I want to hurry up and promote. ~ I want to perform.
그리워 ಥ_ಥ
I miss you ಥ_ಥ
"다음 컴백땐 무슨컨셉하고싶어?"
"What concept do you want to do for the next comeback?"
무슨 컨셉 원해여 오빛
What concept do you want, Orbit?
"나는 수트. 소녀시대 선배님 더보이즈나 미스터미스터 같은거."
"I like suits. Girls' Generation's THE BOYZ or Mr. Mister."
"첫사랑 컨셉ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"First love concept.(Laughs)"
첫사랑 컨셉은 어떤거지..?
What is the first love concept?
아핳 삼분의 일 ㅋㅋㅋ
Ahhhh one third lol
"F(X)선배님의 첫사랑 스타일⋯?"
"F(X)'s first love style?"
어우ㅠ 나도 진짜 너무 좋아했던 아직도 너무너무 좋아하는 컨셉이야
I really liked it too. It's a concept that I still really really like it's still a concept that I really like.
아이돌 컨셉중에 내 인생에서 최고를 뽑으면 진짜 에프엑스 선배님 핑크테이프..👍
If I pick the best idol concept in my life, FX's pink tape...👍
티저 처음 올라왔을 때 그 충격을 잊지 못해
I can't forget the shock when the teaser was first uploaded.
"그때 희지니 몇살이었어? 초딩?"
"Heejin, how old were you? Elementary student?"
진짜 맨날 학교 축제 때 마다
Every school festival,
애들이랑 무슨 노래할지 엄청 골랐었는데
I picked a lot of songs to sing with themselves.
중딩 때 수학여행이나 수련회가면 무조건 춤 추고
When I was in middle school, I always danced on school trips or retreats.
옛날에 비네추럴 췄을 때 그 때 내가 제일 잘 나가도 췄었어
When I danced to "Be Natural" in the past, I danced even when I was the most popular.
비네추럴 두명 버전으로 무슨 대회? 공연 같은 것도 했었는데 은상 탔었다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What kind of competition with the non-natural version of two people? We performed and won a silver prize. (Laughs)
"네추럴 대회라길래 보디빌딩 말하는줄알고 들어왔네...ㅋㅋㅋ"
"I thought you were talking about bodybuilding because you said it was a natural competition.LOL"
아니 저기요
Excuse me.
아니 왜 다들 수긍하는 분위긴데
Why? Everyone seems to agree.
"니지니 바디프로필 찍을생각있어?"
"Do you have any thoughts on taking a body profile?"
저 이거 진짜 생각 있읍니다
I really have an idea.
몸 상하게 안 하지 !!!!
I won't hurt you!!!!!!
하지만 저의 버킷리스트 중 하나입니다 호홓
But this is one of my bucket lists. Whoo-hoo!
"상하기엔 너무 튼튼해져버린 몸이었다..."
"I was too strong to be damaged."
LOL. Can't refute it.
난 너무 튼튼함
I'm too strong.
맞아 요새 블랙팬서 많이 보더라
Right, I've been watching Black Panther a lot lately.
근데 나 그 전 시리즈를 안 봐서 몰라
But I don't know because I didn't watch the previous series.
다들 봤어?
Did you all see it?
와칸다 밖에 몰라
I only know Wakanda.
"누나누나 12월14일날 아바타2나오는데 누나는 볼꺼야??"
"Sister, sister, Avatar 2 is coming out on December 14th. Are you going to watch it?"
오 나 이것만 기다리는 중이야
Oh, I'm just waiting for this.
아바타 애기 때 처음으로 3D 영화 보고 멀미 했잖아
Avatar, you got motion sickness after watching a 3D movie for the first time when you were a baby.
"알라딘 4D가 진짜 재밌는데👍"
"Aladdin 4D is really fun. 👍"
알라딘도 봤었는데
I watched Aladdin.
그 때 우리 오빠랑 보러 갔었거든
I went to watch it with my brother.
근데 오빠가 미대 나왔거든??
But my brother graduated from art school.
오빠는 영화 끝나고 와.. 진짜 색감 다양하게 잘 썼더라.. 그거 천들 색깔 조합이 뭐 어떻고 어떻고 이 말만 하고
Oppa come back after movie.. You really used various colors well. I just talked about the color combination of the fabric.
나는 와 그거 원테이크로 어떻게 찍었지 그거 촬영하는거 진짜 힘들었을텐데 이 말만하고
I was like, "Wow, how did I film that in one take? It must have been really hard to film that."
둘다 직업병.. 영화 스토리 얘기는 안함
Both of them have occupational diseases. I don't talk about movie stories.
"아니 스피치리스 부를때 울어야하는거 아니냐고 "
"Don't you have to cry when you sing "Speechless"?"
보면서 와 원테이크 이거 감독님이 조금이라도 화면 빗나가면 감정 다시 잡고 다시 찍어야되는데 진짜 대단하다.. 어떻게 찍었지 리허설을 많이 했나
While watching it, if the director misses the screen even a little bit, I have to get the emotions back and film it again, but it's amazing. How did we film it? Did we do a lot of rehearsals?
이 생각
This idea.
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오빛들 감동 파괴하기
(Laughs)Destroy ORBIT's emotions.
"미대오빠 내 이상형인데, 사랑한다고 전해줄래?"
"Art college oppa is my ideal type, can you tell him I love him?"
You're married.
I'll tell you.
"헤어져요 오빠 행복하게 사세요"
"Let's break up. Live a happy life."
ㅇㄴ(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
Tallulah (meaning 'tallulah'
0고백 1차임
0 Confession 1st round