2022 11 19 3735
What are you doing
나 보고싶었구낭?
Did you miss me?
LOL. 😍😍
요즘 난 게임을 열심히 해 훟훟
These days, I play games hard.
한창 불 탈때야
It's in the middle of a fire.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
타운쉽 ㅋㅋㅋ 꿈의 마을
Township LOL The village of dreams.
"까먹기도힘든얼굴 까먹겠다 실크한번 수확할때쯤 한번은 얘기하러와 ㅜㅜ"
"It's hard to forget. I'm going to forget my face. Come and talk to me once when you harvest silk."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ알겠넠ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미안햌ㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs)Okay lol sorry lol
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ게임 중독자래ㅠㅠ 다들
(Laughs)They're all game addicts.
나도 팹에 사진 좀 올리고 시푼데
I want to post some pictures on Fab.
요즘 일정할 때 다 쌩얼로 다녀서
When I have a schedule, I go around without makeup.
올릴 사진들이 없다 ಠ‸ಠ
There are no pictures to post. ಠ‸ಠ
아직 공개하면 안되는 미공개사진들만 수두룩해
There are a lot of unreleased pictures that I can't reveal yet.
이러다가 또 까먹겠어 사진업로드
I'm going to forget about uploading pictures.
ㅎㅎㅎ무슨 사진인지는 비밀입니다><
Haha, it's a secret what picture it is.><
아 맞다 나 최근에 사진 정리하면서 알았는데
Oh right! I found out while organizing the pictures.
나 플립댓 뮤비촬영장에서 찍은 사진들도 안 올린거 진짜 많더라 ಥ_ಥ
There are so many pictures that I didn't upload at the set of the Flip That music video. ಥ_ಥ
다 올릴 타이밍 기다리다가 까먹어버림
I forgot while waiting for the timing to upload it all.
기다려바 찾고옴
Wait. I'm looking for you.
I put it up.
아직 안 올라왔나?
Is it not uploaded yet?
나 다른 사진 찾고 있었어
I was looking for another picture.
기다려바 물어볼게
Wait a minute. I'll ask.
왜 안 올라오니~~~~
Why isn't it coming up?~~~
알겠어.. 팹 열심히할게… 😂
All right, Fab. I'll do my best. 😂