2022 11 08 3548
미안 여러분들
Sorry, everyone.
전혀 다른 디자인이 나와버렸어
It's a completely different design.
아니 핫핑크 색이 없더라고? ㅠㅠ
There was no hot pink color. crying
뭔가 남자인이어 같나..? 라는 생각이 들면서도
Do I look like a man? That's what I thought.
난 깔끔하고 이쁘다 생각해
I think it's neat and pretty.
그 뭐지 예전에 쓰던 인이어랑
What is it? The in-ear that I used before...
완전 다른 스타일로 했셔!!!!!!
He did it in a completely different style!
"니진 궁금한 거 있음 인이어로 걍 폰 음악도 들을 수 있어...?(아무것도 모르는 사람)"
"If you're curious about something, can you just listen to music on your phone through your in-ear...? (Who knows nothing knows)"
웅! ㅋㅋㅋ 들을 수 있셔 그 이어폰 단자랑 똑같이 생겨써요
Yes! You can hear it. It looks exactly like the earphone terminal.
그래서 옛날에 김현진 인이어 처음 맞췄을 때 핸드폰에 인이어끼고 노래 들었옸어
So when I first got Hyunjin's in-ear, I listened to music with in-ear on my phone.
"인이어로 들으면 차이점이 있어?"
"Is there a difference if you listen to it through your in-ear?"
나도 그 차이는 잘 모르겠는데 무대에서 밖에 안 껴봐섴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I don't know the difference, but I've only worn them on stage.(Laughs)
근데 그건 있지
But there's that.
에어팟 노이즈캔슬링 보다 더 노이즈캔슬링 잘 돼여
Noise cancelling works better than Airpods noise cancelling.
내 귀모양 본 뜬거라셔
They copied the shape of my ears.
노이즈 캔슬링 기능이 있는건아닌데
It doesn't have a noise cancelling function.
다른 외부소리들이 잘 안 들어와 귀에
I can't hear other sounds well.
근데 그걸 뚫는다?
But I'm going to pierce that.
오빛들 함성소리가 그걸 뚫고 들어올 때 제일 짜릿해
ORBIT's cheering sound is the most thrilling when it penetrates.
"김현딘 인투디언논 + 뉴욕~ 이것도 뚫지 않나?"
"Kim HyunDin, intudionon, New York! Don't you get this pierced, too?"
🤔… 이건 내 달팽이관을 뚫는 느낌…?
🤔… It's like piercing my cochlea...?
결국 고민하다가 다시 바꿨어 인이어 디자인
I thought about it and changed the in-ear design.
스포하고 싶은데
I want to spoil it.
실망하면 어떡해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What if you're disappointed? (Laughs)
다들 빼빼로 데이 잘 보냈남?^^
Did you all have a good Pepero Day?^^
난 막냉아 생일인줄로만 알고 있다가
I thought it was Naeng's birthday.
편의점 들어갔는데 빼빼로데이길래
I went into the convenience store and it was Pepero Day.
그 때 앎
That's when I knew it.
"빼빼로 수금 0 😂"
"Pepero collection 0 😂"
원래 직접 사먹는거여.
You're supposed to buy it yourself.
🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟨🟨🟨 일반 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 누드 ⬛⬜️⬛⬜️⬛⬜️⬛⬜️⬛⬜️🟨🟨🟨 쿠앤크 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟫🟨🟨🟨 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 아몬드 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️ 스페셜
굿굿 나도 줄궤
Cookies and cream.
🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️
🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️ 🔸️
Good, good. I'm going to draw a line, too.
나도 내가 사먹었어
I bought it myself.
아몬드 빼빼로 하나
One almond Pepero.
"니지니는 무슨 빼빼로 조아하능가"
"What kind of Pepero do you like?"
그거 맛있드라 블랙쿠키맛
파란색 포장지
I heard it's good. Black cookie flavor.
a blue wrapper
옛날에 나 초등학생 때
When I was in elementary school,
빼빼로데이날 67갠가 받은 적 있어
I got 67 on Pepero Day.
근데 그 날이 아마 전학가는 날이였거든
But that day was probably the day I transferred.
"67개면 집에들고갈때 안힘들었어?"
"If it's 67, wasn't it hard to carry it home?"
양손 가득 바리바리 들고 갔지
I took it with me.
추억이 새록새록…
Reminds me of memories...
"밥은 먹었엉??? 💖"
"Did you eat? 💖"
아니 아직 😂😂
No, not yet 😂😂
오빛들은 다 밥은 먹었능가?
Orbit, did you all eat?
"아니.. 대신 이따 고기먹으러가💖그래서 굶는중"
"No... Instead, I'm going to eat meat later. 💖 So I'm starving."
으엉?? 지금도 먹고 고기도 먹지 굶긴 왜 굶어 ಠ‸ಠ
Huh? I still eat and eat meat. Why do you starve?ಠ‸ಠ굶어
잘들 챙겨먹어ㅠ
Make sure you eat well.
Orbit menu board.
Malatang Gopchang Makchang Gopdoritang Hamburger Pork Cutlet Gimbap Ramen Tteokbokki Chicken Feet Ramen Salad Galbitang Soy Sauce Egg Rice Fried Rice Fried Rice with tuna Porch Porridge Bulnakji Jukmi Station Bean Sprout Soup Kimchi Stew Soybean Vegetable Soup Stew Soup Pork Belly Beef Pizza Cheese Ball Hot Dog Rice Soup Noodles Udon Udon Shabu Soup Chicken Soup Chicken Soup with Rice Soup with Rice Soup with Rice.
안 목은 사람들을 위해 니진 추천 메뉴
For those who are not thirsty, recommendation for nijin.
순두부찌개다 오늘은
It's soft tofu stew today.
"Mint chocolate Pepero"
"Mint chocolate Pepero"
이건 좀
This is a bit...
아니 그 아이스크림 민초까지만 괜찮아…
No, that ice cream is okay up to mint chocolate...
다른거 만들지므앜!!!!!!!!!!
Don't make anything else!
"mint choco tteokpoki"
"mint choco tteokpoki"
그래 예를들면 이런거
Yeah, for example, something like this.
나는 반반민초파 할게..
I'll go with half-and-half mint chocolate.
어떨땐 괜찮고 어떨땐 좀 별로야
Sometimes it's okay, sometimes it's not.
"누가 민초주면 먹는데 내가 돈주고 사먹기는 귀찮다랄까?"
"I eat it when someone gives me mint chocolate, but I'm too lazy to pay for it."
나도 딱 이거
I want this, too.