2022 10 03 3269
빨간날은 끝났다
일어나서 일하라 한국인들이여
The Red Day is over.
Get up and work, Koreans.
"언닝 빨간날이 뭐예여..? "
"What is a red day?"
빨간날 is red day
Red day is red day
미안 조크조크
I'm sorry. Joke, joke.
Holiday 임다 미안해요
Holiday Imda. I'm sorry.
I stayed up all night.
그냥 밤낮이 바껴버려찌머양
It just changed day and night, miss.
"hello! how are you doing so far today?"
"hello! how are you doing so far today?"
setting ~~~ してますー
setting ~~~ してますー
"오늘 야식 뭐먹었나여"
"What did you have for late night snack?"
너구리 컵라면 끓여먹고 나온거 들켰네
I got caught cooking Neoguri cup noodles.
"출근길에 들을 만한 노래 좀 추천해줘..!"
"Please recommend a song to listen to on your way to work."
출근송 추천!
Seeing you for the first time - Jimmy Messina
Song recommendations for going to work!
Seeing you for the first time - Jimmy Messina
"백수송 추천은 없오?"
"Do you have any recommendations?"
부럽지가 않어 - 장기하
- I don't envy you. - Jang Kiha
"등굣길에 들을만한 노래도 "
"Songs to listen to on your way to school."
학교를 안 갔어 - 량현량하
- I didn't go to school. - Ryanghyun Ryangha.
"대학생 추천곡두"
"Recommendations for college students."
어렵다… 내가 캠퍼스 갬성은 잘 몰라서😂
It's hard... I don't know much about campus sentiment 😂
"니지니 자장가는 무엇이니"
"What is Nizini's lullaby?"
*"I have a silly little joke to share:
what’s a robot’s favorite snack?
computer chips🤣🤣🤣"
"I have a silly little joke to share:
what’s a robot’s favorite snack?
computer chips🤣🤣🤣"*
Computer chips….?🫠 (이해 못함)
Computer chips….?🫠 (Don't understand)
"요즘 보는 웹툰이나 드라마 영화있나여"
"Is there any webtoon or drama movie that I watch these days?"
조금 뒷북이긴한데 무법변호사 보는 중..ㅎㅁㅎ
It's a bit of a drag, but I'm looking at a lawless lawyer.h M H
지금 한 12화까지 본 듯
I think I've watched up to episode 12.
달의연인 보고 아이유선배님 드라마 찾다가 나의아저씨 보고
I was looking for IU's drama and saw my uncle.
다음은 이준기선배님 드라마 찾아서 무법변호사 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Next, find Lee Joon-ki's drama and become a lawless lawyer.
다음은 호텔델루나 볼까 고민중
I'm thinking about watching Hotel Del Luna next time.
"전희진선배님 차기작 보고싶어요"
"I want to see Heejin's next work."
은옥 is 은쟁반옥구슬
Silver jade is silver tray jade bead.
a.k.a 은옥
a.k.a Eunok
6주년 축하해줘사 고마워😍😍
Please congratulate me on my 6th anniversary. Thank you. 😍😍
오늘 원래 12시 정각에 사진 폭탄 할라했는데ㅠㅠ
아직 스케줄 중이라…!
내일 중으로 꼭 꼭 올려줄게🔥🔥🔥
I was going to do a photo bomb at 12 o'clock sharp today.
I'm still in the middle of my schedule...!
I'll make sure to post it tomorrow. 🔥🔥🔥
일단 인스타에 올릴 사진 먼저 업로드 할까?
Should I upload the pictures that I'll upload on Instagram first?
잠디만 잠디만
Hold on, hold on.
회사분이 주무시는 듯 하오… 낼 업로드 꼭 해줄게 미안해 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 오빛
The staff seems to be sleeping... I'll make sure to upload it tomorrow. I'm sorry. Orbit
오늘 팹에 남겨주는 편지들 꼭 꼭 확인할게 장문 편지 정성스레 남겨줘서 고마워
I'll make sure to check the letters you leave on Fab today. Thank you for leaving a long letter sincerely.
인스타 사진이랑 팹사진 따로 올릴게에 그니까 좀만 기다료
I'll post Instagram and Fab pictures separately, so please wait a little longer.