2022 09 29 3238
가로등 아니야 이 솨람들아
It's not a street lamp, you punks.
"희진아 프로필 사진 바꿔주세요 🙏🏼"
"Heejin, please change your profile picture. 🙏🏼"
너무 간절하잖아?
I'm so desperate.
알게쒀 바꿔줄게
All right, I'll change it for you.
23년만에 엄마한테 내 태몽을 들었는데
I heard my baby dream from my mom after 23 years.
은쟁반에 옥구슬이 또르르르 굴러갔대
The jade beads rolled on the silver plate.
에센에스에서 어떤 분이 나 은쟁반옥구슬처럼 생겼다는 글을 봐서 소름돋아서 얘기해주러 옴
Someone from Essence said that I look like a silver tray jade bead, so I got goosebumps and came to tell you.
"그 꿈은 무엇을 의미하나요?"
"What does the dream mean?"
딸을 의미합니다 아마도?
It means a daughter, maybe?
나 지금 해산물이 좀 땡겨서 시킬까 고민중
I'm thinking about ordering seafood.
"그러고보니 니지니 야식 먹는다고 하는거 거의 첨보는거 같…"
"Come to think of it, it's almost the first time I've seen you eat a late night snack..."
나 생각보다 야식 마니 먹는데?!??
I eat a lot more late night snacks than I thought.
약간 야식보다는 늦은 저녁..?
Rather than a late night snack, a late dinner?
불닭+짜파게티 범벅 먹는중
I'm eating a lot of spicy chicken Chapagetti.
꿀팁 짜파게티 큰컵 말고 범벅이랑 섞으세여
Tip: Mix it with the filling, not a big cup of Chapagetti.
진짜 맛있셯ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
It was really delicious.
"짜파게티 무엇인가?"
"What is Chapagetti?"
짜파게티 is zzapagueti
Chapagetti is zzapaguetti.