2022 09 21 3158

정윤황자님 세욕물에 수은을 푼 진범이 누구인가!!!!!!!!!쾅콰쾅ㅇ광광
Who is the real culprit who dissolved mercury in Prince Jeong Yoon's New Year's bath water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Boom boom, boom, boom, boom.

"정답!!!!! 보보경심려?"
"Answer! Are you worried about Bobo?"

정답 ㅎ

투표 진행은 단 6시간!
Only 6 hours to vote!

"10월 5일인데 벌써 고르게?"
"It's October 5th. You're going to choose already?"

왜냐믄 미리 결정해놔야 직성에 풀리거든
Because you have to decide beforehand to make it work.

"와 그러고 보니까 나 곧 오빛6주년이야 희진이 티저나온 다음날 버스정류장에서 사진보고 입덧 했는데.."
"Come to think of it, it's Orbit's 6th anniversary soon. Heejin's teaser came out the day after she saw the picture at the bus stop and got morning sickness."

응…? 입ㄷ..?
Huh...? Lips...?

ㅊ.. 축하드랴요👍
j... Congratulations. 👍

흠 고민이 되는군
Hmm, I'm worried.

"Can you make a collage? "Then" photo and "Now" photo? 🤔"
"Can you make a collage? "Then" photo and "Now" photo? 🤔"

똑똑한걸..? 이런 식으로 날 속일 수 없다
You can't fool me like this.

왜 183명밖에 투표 안해!!!!!ಥ_ಥ 더 해죠
Why are only 183 people voting!!!!!ಥ_ಥ More.

외빛들 번역 필요한가?!,?
Do you need a translation?

번역 ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
Translation okay okay

근데 과거사진 현재사진을 영어로 뭐라해?
But what do you call the past picture and the present picture in English?

"baby heejin adult heejin ㅋㅋ"
"baby heejin Addult heejin lol"

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거 갠찮차
LOL. This is not a good car.

🔥PLEASE VOTE🔥☝️☝️☝️☝️

I'm going to upload a selfie to celebrate the 6th anniversary What do you want Orbits?💖

  1. Adult Heejin 2.baby Heejin
    🔥PLEASE VOTE🔥☝️☝️☝️☝️

I'm going to upload a selfie to celebrate the 6th anniversary What do you want Orbits?💖

  1. Adult Heejin 2.baby Heejin

오 오해할 수도 잇것다 그려!
Oh, it could be misunderstood. Draw it!

But baby is 16~19 years old adult is 20~Now
But baby is 16~19 years old adult is 20~Now

*"2016 heejin picture 👶 2022 heejin picture 💋

이건 우때..???"
"2016 heejin picture 👶 2022 heejin picture 💋

This is when you cry?"*

그려! 좋것다 이게
Draw it! This is good.


Real baby heejin (1-10years old) is 5월 5일 going to upload
Real baby heejin (1-10years old) is 5월 5일 going to upload

내년까지 계획 해놓는 파워 J
Power J, who is planning until next year.

"나는 희진이 정확하게 2014년도 11월 18일 정도 사진 보고싶어"
"I want to see Heejin's picture on November 18, 2014."

오 이런거 재밌겠다 진짜 날짜까지 상세하게 오빛이 말하면 그 때 당시 과거사진을 찾는거지
Oh, this sounds fun. If Orbit tells us the exact date, we're going to find a picture of the past.

근데 다만 그 때 당시 사진은 날라간지 오래란다.. 쏴리
But it's been a long time since the picture was taken away. Sorry.

이게 근데 진짜 나도 방법이 없는게
There's nothing I can do.

잃어버린 아이디를 못찾는다능게 봐봐
I can't find the ID I lost. Look.

예전에 쓰던 아이디의 비번을 까먹은거야 근데 이걸 찾으려면 전화번호 인증을 해야하잖아
I forgot the password for my old ID, but I need to authenticate my phone number to find it.

인증을 하려는데 옛날에 쓰던 폰으로 되어있는고야
I'm trying to prove it, but it's a phone that I used before.

그래서 띠로리 좌절
So I was frustrated.

이메일 인증을 내가 안해놓고 번호로만 인증 수단을 설정해놨더라고
I didn't do email verification, but I only set the authentication method with numbers.

눈물을 머금고 보내줬지…
I let you go with tears in my eyes...

"heejin london misses you"
"heejin london misses you"

are u for real!!??? i miss u too TT
are u for real!!??? i miss u too TT

엄머 공개답글 실수
Mom, I made a mistake in the open reply.

헣 민망 ㅎ
Haha, embarrassed.

"일본에 오면 먹고싶은거 있어요?!"
"Is there anything you want to eat when you come to Japan?"
