2022 09 04 2996

어떻게 니진 떠나자마자 한국은 태풍이라니
How can you say that Korea is a typhoon as soon as you leave?

나 한국에 있을 때는 햇빛 짱짱했는데
When I was in Korea, the sunlight was so strong.

난~~~너의~~~ 태양~~~
I'm your sun.

우와 폴란드에는 도로 한복판에 기찻길이 있네요?
Wow, there is a railroad in the middle of the road in Poland.

It's romantic...

Recommend Poland’s food
Recommend Poland’s food

경치사진쓰는 놓쳤쓰~
I missed using the scenery picture.

pierogi??? ㅇㅋ 구글 서치 갑니다
pierogi??? Okay, I'm going to Google Search.

Good morning ☀️
Good morning ☀️

7시에 일어났지롱!
I woke up at 7!

"How is europe??"
"How is europe??"

Everything is good… beautiful views, nice weather
Everything is good… beautiful views, nice weather

아침 7시!! 아직 시차적응이 안돼서 일찍 일어나버렸어
7am!! I woke up early because I still have jet lag.

I’m eating breakfast
I’m eating breakfast

맞아.. 어제 새벽에 뉴스 찾아보고 잤어 태풍 때문에 지금 상황이 많이 안 좋던데 다들 다치거나 피해 없길 기도할게요ㅜ 웬만해선 다들 밖에 나가지 말고
Right... I looked up the news and slept last night. The typhoon is really bad right now, so I'll pray that everyone is okay or not getting hurt.ㅜ Don't go outside.