2022 08 29 2946
첫 투어에 함께해준 LA, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas city, Chicago, Louisville, Reading, Washington DC, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Mexico 오빛들 다 너무너무 고마워요 나 절대 잊지 못할거야! (+LA Kcon)
내가 투어를 잘 끝낼 수 있을까 걱정이 참 많았었는데.. 오빛들 덕분에 잘 할 수 있었어요💖 뭔가 시원섭섭하구만 ㅜ
항상 공연이 끝나고 나면 나 자신에 대한 아쉬움도 좀 컸었어요. 좀 더 잘할껄!하는 후회도 있고ㅠㅠ 100퍼센트 완벽한 컨디션으로 보여드리지 못했던 무대도 있다보니 우리를 보러 와준 오빛들한테 미안한 마음도 컸어ㅠ 몇년동안 우리를 기다려줬는데… 정말 먼 곳에서도 우리를 사랑해주는 사람들이 있다는걸 비로소 실감했던 순간이였어요
꼭 다시 돌아올게요😍 그 때는 더 멋진 니지니를 보여줄게요 약속해! 많이 많이 사랑해요 내 오빛들
Thank you for being with us on our first tour. LA, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas city, Chicago, Louisville, Reading, Washington DC, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Mexico ORBIT, thank you so much. I'll never forget! ( LA Kcon)
I was worried if I could finish the tour well. Thanks to ORBIT, I was able to do well.💖 It's kind of bittersweet.
I always felt a bit disappointed about myself after the concert. I should've done better!I have regrets. I felt sorry for ORBIT who came to see us because there were performances that I couldn't show you in 100% perfect condition. They waited for us for years... It was a moment when I realized that there were people who loved us from far away.
I'll be back.😍 I'll show you a better Nizini then. Promise me! I love you so much. My ORBITs.
all Thanks to Orbits 💖💖💖 I never forget this tour NEVER EVER
And Gracias 😍 Esquites estaba delicioso >_<
그리고 줨만 귀달룤
한큑 올뷫들
all Thanks to Orbits 💖💖💖
I never forget this tour
And Gracias 😍 Esquites estaba delicioso >_<
And just give it to me. Hankook's Olbuchs.
뭐야 투표 어디갓셔
What? Where's the voting?
나 지금 구독자가 n만명인데
I have n million subscribers right now.
투표 수가 100표가 안된다고?!
Less than 100 votes?!
분발하자 오빛
Let's do better, ORBIT.
팹아조씨: (혹시 배너 닫으셨으면 위에 “댓글” 누르시면 전체 다 보실 수 있어요)
Mr. Fab Azo: (If you have closed the banner, click "Comment" above to see the whole thing.)
인용 댓글이 된다는게 뭔말이지…?
What does it mean to be a quote comment…?
개인 안되네
You can't do it individually.
아하 이해 됐어 인용댓글
Oh, I got it. Quote comment.
이힣 민망
I'm embarrassed.
"아 너무좋다 팹 진짜 팹아저씨 사랑해 내 최애등극직전이에요"
"That's so nice. Fab. I love you, Fab man. It's right before my favorite drama."
큰일이네 팹아조씨한테 최애 뺏기기
Oh, my. Taking my favorite from Fab Ajo.
오 좋아 나중에 음성노래방 한번 열어야겠다
Oh, good. I should open a voice singing room later.
니지니의~~~ 음성~~~~ 노래방~~~!!!!
Nini Jini's voice! Karaoke!
근데 뭐지 음성 녹음이 참고로 30분 이내로 들을 수 있대
But for your information, you can hear it within 30 minutes.
알람 잘 켜놔야갰어 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have to set the alarm well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
아닛 ಠ‸ಠ
No, it's not.
24 hours?
민망 ㅎ
I'm embarrassed.
24시간과 30분 넘나 다르잖소
24 hours and 30 minutes are different.
"(저희가 업데이트 후에 고쳐서 안내문을 못고쳤어요 😭)"
"(We fixed it after the update, so we couldn't fix the notice.) 😭)"
용서해드립져 😀👍
I forgive you 😀👍
이거 팹아조씨 답글
This is Fab-A-Jo-C. Reply.
팹아조씨 닉네임: 팹 아저씨
Mr. Fab Ajo's nickname: Uncle Fab.
여기 넘나 시끄러워서 나중에 해줄게 음성
It's so loud here. I'll give you a voice later.
"규래규래 지금 막 비행기 내린겨?"
"Gyuraegyu? Did you just get off the plane?"
웅! 아까 뱅기 딱 땅에 닿자마자 팹 업데이트부터 했다 저 잘했쬬?👍
As soon as Bangi touched the ground, I updated my fab. I did a good job, right?👍
프사 비둘기로 해놓으면 차단할거야 …
If you make it a profile pigeon, I'll block it...
너무해ㅠ 이런건 놀리지 말아요ㅜㅠㅠㅠ
Don't make fun of things like this.(Crying)
갠차나 ಠ‸ಠ 흥
It's okay. ‸ಠಠ Heung.
"Can I wait for VLOG 2?"
희소식 2편 진작에 편집은 다 끝났는데ㅠㅠ 지금 이런저런 일들로 아직 업로드만 대기중이에요!! 좀만 기다려죠💖💖
The editing of the second episode of good news was already finished, but I'm still waiting for uploads due to this and that! Let's wait a little bit.💖💖
하잉 ㅜㅜ
Hing ㅜ
한국오고 컨디션이 좀 안 좋았뎌😂😂 시차적응도 안되구
I was in a bad condition after coming to Korea. 😂😂 I can't adjust to the time difference.
드디어 오늘 푹 잤어 그래두…….
Finally, I had a good night's sleep, but...….
지금 갠차나!!!! ㅎㅎ
It's a good time right now! Haha
Sleep well today !💖
Sleep well today !💖
확실히 한국오고 긴장이 풀리니 좀 그런게 있는 것 같아
I think it's definitely because I'm relaxed after coming to Korea.
이거저거 다시 재정비하고 해야죵
I need to reorganize this and that again.
한달치 옷들도 빨래 싹 돌리고 해야지
I'll do the laundry for a month's worth of clothes.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ너무 현실적인가
(Laughs)Is it too realistic?
지금까지는 골골대느라 아무것도 못했드아😂
I couldn't do anything until now because I was struggling. 😂
오늘 이제 몰아서 싹다해버려야지
I'm going to do it all at once today.
이번 추석에 유럽에 있어가지고 친척들이 엄청 아쉬워하드라
I heard that my relatives were really sad because I was in Europe this Chuseok.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ울 조카들도 아쉬워하게찡 ㅠ
(Laughs)My nephews and nieces are sad too.
진하덩 봐야되는데 ಠ‸ಠ
I need to watch JinhaDeng ‸ಠಠ