2022 07 27 2426
근데 지금 너무 졸려서 곱창이 코로 들어가는지 입으로 들어가는지도 모르것다
But I'm so sleepy that I don't know if gopchang goes into my nose or mouth.
🌝: 희진이 냉장고에 뭐잇는지 궁금하다
🌝: I wonder what Heejin has in the fridge.
나 음료수들 밖에 없어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I only have drinks. (Laughs)
슈가로로도 있구 우유랑… 콜라 사이다… and beers
There's sugar and milk... Coke Sprite... and beers
오늘처럼 웰치스 같은거 서비스로 받으면 냉장고행
If you get Welch's as a service like today, you go to the fridge.
하이네켄 ㅎㅁㅎ
Heineken hmh
호박즙도 있구
There's pumpkin juice.
와 맞다 그리구 김치도 있어 나름
Wow, that's right. And there's kimchi, too.
실비김치.. 너무 궁금해서 쿠팡에서 시켜봤는데 몇번 먹고 안 먹는중
Silbi kimchi... I was so curious that I ordered it on Coupang, but I haven't eaten it since I ate it a few times.
엄청 매운 김치!!!!
Very spicy kimchi!!
첫입은 좀 단데 먹다보면 매워
The first bite is kind of sweet, but it's spicy when you eat it.
🌝: 니지니는 먹으면서 뭐보낭?
🌝: What do you watch while eating?
아니 난 잘 안 봐 밥만 먹는 편
No, I don't really watch it. I tend to eat only rice.
영화 틀어놔도 하나도 머리에 안 들어오더라 ㅋㅋㅋ
Even if I turned on the movie, it didn't come into my head at all lol.
이제 슬슬 다 먹은듯
I think I'm almost done.
꽤 먹었어 그래두 한 2/3?
I've had quite a bit, but maybe two thirds?
치우고 오께 다 먹었으니까
I'll clean it up and come back. I ate it all.
다 먹었는데 이거 안 치우면 니진 굉장히 신경쓰여요
I ate it all, but if I don't clean this up, Nizin is really bothering me.
하 배도 부르니 잠도 솔솔 오네
Since I'm full, I'm getting sleepy.
지금 잠들면 딱 좋겠지만
It'd be nice if you fell asleep now.
아직 안 씻음 하
I didn't wash up yet.
🌝: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ누우면 끝나는거알지
ㄴ 이미 누웠는데….
🌝: (Laughs) (Laughs)You know it's over when you lie down.
I'm already lying down....
오케이 스피드워시 하고 올게
Okay, I'll be back after the speed wash.
I’m going to speed wash
I’m going to speed wash
박차고 일어나 달리는 법 떠오르게 해줄게
I'll let you know how to jump up and run.
🌝: 요즘은 몇시에 자니??
🌝: What time do you go to bed these days?
요새 스케줄 때매 제대로 못 잔듯?
I don't think I've been able to sleep well these days.
나 이제 진짜 스피드워시 하고 옴
I really did speed wash now.
너무 배고파 아직 공복이야
I'm so hungry. I'm still hungry.
지금 네일 끝나고 뿌링치즈볼 사서 들어가는 중 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I'm on my way home after finishing my nails ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
🌝: 배개고파
🌝: I'm hungry.
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 신박하다
𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐌅 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 박 하다 신 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐌅 That's new.
네일 자랑해죠?
Are you showing off your nails?
내일 공항에서 자랑할게
I'll brag about it at the airport tomorrow.
h M H
🌝: 미국 가면 팹 할 시간도 없겠죠? ㅜㅜ
🌝: You don't even have time to fab in America, do you? ㅜㅜ
아니?? 왜 없엉
No? Why isn't there?
로밍도 다 구매해놨다구~~
I bought all the roaming.
팹 마니마니 해줄겡
I'll be Fab Mani Mani.
🌝: 비행기에서 뭐 볼지 정해놧어??
🌝: Have you decided what to watch on the plane?
나 꿈의집 미친듯이 할 예정
I'm going to do "Dream House" like crazy.
이게 데이터없이도 되는 게임이였더라구…?
It was a game that didn't require data.?
만렙 찍는다 ㄱㄷ
I'm going to hit the highest level. Go, go, ㄷ.
지금 한 8100 정도될껄?
I think it's about 8,100 right now.
만렙 찍으면 머할거냐구?
What are you going to do if I get a full level?
기쁨의.. 한숨
A sigh of joy.
나 밥 머끄오껭
I'm going to eat something.